I have had eye problems for some time now, and i have had multiple diagnoses. One said it was allergies, one said i had floppy eyelid syndrome.
In any case, the problems i have are these: The skin around my eyes get extremely irritated, and feels swollen. My eyes feel very dry, but sometimes do not seem to stop watering. Allergy pills, and drops do not help. The only thing that seems to provide any relief, is keeping a cool, wet rag nearby to place on my eyes. I also put ice on my eyes, hot clothes, i use all kinds of drops, even eye gel. I use ocusoft eyescrubs. Usually after all this, the irritation subsides, and it will get better. But this time, it is not getting better. My eyes are still irritated, and they feel dry. Its very annoying and painful and has been going on for probably over a month. Does anyone have any ideas how i could get some relief Preferably in the long run? And yes, i have considered going to the doctor, but i know what he will do. He will prescribe an antibiotic, and a steroid to kill off infection, and reduce swelling. I don't have the time, or the money, and it will just keep coming back. I need something i can do, and keep doing. Sometimes i get pus, or "boogers" in my eyes, but this time i have not gotten this, atleast not very badly. If you have any ideas, please let me know. Thanks!