
Severe hangover cure?

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about me now here because i have one




  1. That depends are we talking puking every 5 seconds or just feel really crappy and nauseous. If your puking a lot i recommend super strength Maalox and some tylenol or Motrin and sleep unless your puking up stomach acid which then i recommend going to the Doc.  If your not puking I recommend making your self a California Mary.  Which is pretty much Beer and V-8 juice and lemon, some spices if you like but not needed.  that should calm your stomach and the small amount of beer might make you feel better.  Other then that some sleep, time, lots of water and greesy food should do the trick.

  2. 1 cup tomato or clamato juice with 1 raw egg.  Mix well & drink down.

  3. 2 paracetemol plus just before you go to bed with a pint of water, then in the morning some ice cold grapefruit segments.  Works everytime!

  4. Best hangover medicine ever is McDonald's- quarter pounder with cheese, and their orange kids drink.

    or pedialite.

  5. The best way to cure a hangover is to feed it... my mum says that and it always works for me. Just eat, whatever you feel like - be it a fruit salad or a big fried breakfast (at any time of the day) :D

  6. make yourself puke then take a tylenol PM and sleep through it.  Thats what I do!

  7. more drink !  

  8. hot noodle soup...... wow, I'm craving for one!

  9. Ok Peter...Here's one that goes back many generations.... :Go to the fridge and look for a tomato.  cut it in half....salt it...and start munchin'...if you don't have one...go to the store...or have somebody bring you one.  This cure works better if you eat it before you go get drunk....but it does the job afterwards somewhat as well.

  10. when i have a hangover, i drink milk, or a milkshake. it really helps me. also, eating something, like the other person said 'mcdonalds' really helps. o and make yourself sick before eating, after the milk.

  11. Pedialyte - the drink for kids - it will re-hydrate you.  Sleep.  Greasy food.  And Tylenol or Advil.
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