My dentist removed an absessed cyst 11 days ago. It was located just to the right of my nose, and near the bottem of my nose. He acessed through the top of my mouth by my upper right canine.
Well its been 11 days and I'm in severe pain. The pain is all located to the right of my nose. So quite high up, and is veryyy sharp. I dare not so much as brish against it and it shoots. It hurts to talk, eating food is not an option. I never had THIS pain before the surgery. Before surgey I had a throbbing absess pain.
OMG I don't know whats worse..the pain the doc has left me in now...or the pain I had before?
The pain is made worse with any amount of heat. Taking a shower...going outside in the summers heat....laying my head down....uggg I go days on end without sleep until I pass out.
Will this improve on its own in time? I went back to and the doc took new xrays and said there is no more infection.....he thinks I have neuralgia now....great! But I never had the pain until HE did the surgery.
Any info you can give is a gods send.
Thank You!