
Severe pubic bone this normal?

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I am 6 months pregnant, and this is not my first child but this is the first time I am experiencing pain like this. I have to sleep with a pillow between my legs and I have a hard time rolling over and laying on my side...sitting too. OMG walking also! I have to walk stooped over and I shuffle when I walk because I cannot fully extend my stride. I hear clicking and popping when I walk or when I roll over. To talk to my OB/GYN is like talking to a brick wall. I could walk in missing an arm and she'll just tell me it's a part of pregnancy and it's normal.

This COULD be normal...but I don't know. Has anyone had pain this severe and what did you do?




  1. You sound just like me. I've been going through the exact same thing. I've been told that its your bones and ligaments moving to adjust for the baby. It is very painful and I didn't go through this w/ my 1st either. I'm going to talk to my doc when I go back about it.

  2. I had the same thing! Sometimes is was like a lightning bolt of pain right in the front above my vajay-jay. I went to the doc and he told me it was totally normal: My hips were being to shift to accommodate pushing a watermelon out of me. As you get further along in your pregnancy, your body releases hormones that relax your ligaments and allow your bones to spread. Unfortunately this "relaxing" makes it hard to walk and sit and is painful. Just take it easy - you ARE in a delicate condition - you are more likely now to injure yourself (all your ligaments are relaxing, not just your hips) and you may feel unsteady. Your pubic bone is actually two sides that meet in the middle, that "clicking" is the bones rocking back and forth- Eeep! Sounds worse than it is. Good luck, I was so scared when that happened to me!

  3. No, it doesn't sound normal for it to be this bad. A friend of mine had pubic symphysis separation - it's rare, but it is a symptom of pregnancy and what you say does sound rather like it. There wasn't a whole lot she could do - she ended up in a wheelchair for the rest of her pregnancy. The good news is it goes back to normal right after delivery.

  4. This pain, unfortunately, is normal.  I had lots of pubic bone pain during my pregnancy.  Since you are pregnant your body is preparing for birth, your pubic bown is opening up and that is why it looks like prego women waddle when then they walk.  That is probably why you hear and feel the clocking and popping.  

    Though it is normal, I had a cousin who's pelvic bone was twisted or something along that line.  She ended up having to go to the chiropractor.  She said that helped.

    God Bless!

  5. I know exactly how you feel. though 3 yrs ago, that will be the only pain that i do not wish to relive. It is apart of the pregnancy and i too remember rolling out of bed to get up, walking and hearing the clicking drove me crazy. its all the pressure of the baby's head. MIND U, she never descended down. Try to keep off your feet and propped them  up to level your pelvic, always keep your bladder empty and try to pelvic exercise. oh and some heating pads if your up to it. if its that serious, i will head to another doctor. i switched to another doc 3 wks before birth, bc i was well overdue and needed to be induced. i was seeing a midwife before.  

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