
Severe sickness after drinking. Help me please!!

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Whenever I get drunk at night, the morning after I'm always sick to the point of puking several times. There's no way in h**l that I'm not going to get drunk for the rest of my life so I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions to prevent me from being sick in the morning. I've tried lots os sleep, lots of water, gravol, tylenol, coffee, advil, pacing myself, even beer makes me sick in the morning. Help!!




  1. you are not suppose to mix a lot of drinks, and you are not suppose to drink on an empty stomach. And you shouldn't drink more than you can handle.

  2. some people just can't handle drinking. i no someone who only has one or two mike's and throw's up cause she can't handle it.  

  3. there is product called party smart. made by himalyan herbals. see if you can get hold of it.  

  4. maybe your are just one of those unlucky sucker that has abody that cant handle alcohal. maybe you are maybe allergic to sumthing that is in liquirs and beers. try not getting drunk. or maybe it is time to kick the old habbits. or you just have really bad hangovers cuz ur light weight. that doesnt even happen to me.

  5. its a hangover.. its gonna happen. try letting the hangover come before u sleep. thats whaat i do. plus eat before u drink.  

  6. I am a CMA

    It is called a hangover and maybe you should not drink so much if you know this is going to happen every time you drink.. FYI too much alcohol can cause alcohol poisoning and you can die

  7. um, its a hangover? Its natural.

    Here's some tips on how to avoid it:

    1)Simply don't drink as much

    2)Get drunk off of strong drinks, this way your body has to consume less alcohol to achieve the same effects of drinking large amounts of week alcoholic beverages

    3)Drink clear alcohol, such as vodka.

    4)Eat small amounts of food before drinking, drinking on an empty is horrible!

    5)When you start drinking, drink in moderation. Drink a little and wait for the effects to hit you, then continue in moderation until you are comfortably drunk.

    6)Drink water! You should have a pretty equal water to alcohol ratio going on.

  8. Oh....I think there will be a way in h**l that you will stop drinking.

    Your particular body doesn't tolerate alcohol...whether you like it or not!  

    Vomit acids, and acid reflux will burn your esophagus, ulcers will come next, then internal bleeding....then...well let's just say "You'll stop drinking".

  9. So long as you continue to get trashed, you will continue to get sick. Don't be so dumb. If you don't want to feel sick then don't drink as much.  

  10. dont drink then

  11. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........  may i suggest you dont drink?  your body is not adjusting to it, so instead of puttuing yourself through the tourture, simply dont drink!!!   ITS THAT EASY!!!!!!

  12. ... Its called a hangover. And it happens when you drink alocohol. Cut back drasticly or dont drink at all if you dont want to suffer the consquences of alcohol the next day.

    Add: Well if you insist its not the number of drinks, you may just be alergic to alcohol. Alot of people are, I mean alcohol isnt good for the body in the first place, your particular body may just see it as a posion and is trying to get it out of your system as fast as possible. My brother in law is the same way. I dont think there is anything you can do but stop drinking. Maybe contact a doctor and see what he has to say.

  13. Hangovers are usually caused by dehydration, so drink a little more slowly and have a glass of water or sports drink between every alcoholic beverage. It will make you pee more, but you'll feel much better for it. If you can stand the taste of tomato juice, I've found that drinking a glass before I go to bed (or mixing it with vodka) helps, too.

  14. Is better not to drink and why make yourself sick.

    You drink to enjoy and not to suffer so pls helpe yourself and you should know your limits.

    BTw if you drink do not drive..

  15. maybe ur allergic to alcohol!  

  16. Its called a hang over its when your body is trying to dispose of the toxin (the alchol) it usually happens when you drink far to much.

    Answer mine?

  17. Your body is trying to tell u something! If u do drink don't drink so much. If you can't stop or don't want to stop getting drunk then u have a problem.Seek professional help. There are more ways to have fun in this lifetime.

  18. Food, lots of greasy food, the greasier the better!  Cheeseburgers, french fries, tacos, bacon, sausage, eggs, pancakes, just a few suggestions.  Then after that sleep it off.

  19. its pretty normal to feel S****y,crappy or sick..hangovers,i get those all the time a couple of hours after gettin hammered...well the best thing to do now is to limit ya self from drinkin over ya the next time ya drink just keep it to 3 margaritas and chill for the whole night(example)...another alternative is not to mix liquor and makes ya hella sick...i don't usually drive after i'm wasted,just until i had drank atleast two bottles of lime or lemon juice...they tend to make my hangovers less pain in the neck...sobers ya up real quick,try it...    

  20. There's actually something really easy you can do. For every 2-3 pints of beer, drink one pint of water. It has been 'scientifically' tested (Brianiac..) with good results.

  21. Sounds like a drunk in the making.

    I just had a young friend die from to much drinking. It can happen.

  22. sounds like you need to learn your alcohol intake limit. after you achieve that, you shouldn't be having hangovers. make sure you eat before you drink. also, it helps if you drink water in between drinks.  

  23. thats a hangover, coffee doesnt help you it just makes you more awake so your then an awake drunk person !;...

  24. It's called a hangover...

  25. you'll realize in a few years that you need a real job, and you'll have bills, and you cant stay out drinking all night and puking all morning, you'll have responsibilities.

    Please don't have children.

    As for the puking..have you taken a motion sickness pill like dramamine?

    There's a difference in being drunk, and being so drunk you puke all morning, try to find that line and stay on the 'just drunk' side.

  26. I started getting like that after I drank too much for a long while, my tummy couldn't take it anymore but then I got deployed in the army and didn't drink the whole time.  When I came home I was good to go with drinking again.  Maybe take a break and drink a little lighter.  Make sure you eat carbs before you go to bed, like hash browns, or a frozen breakfast pizza, or some toast.  Saltine crackers and sipping on gatorade always helped in the morning after being sick.  Good luck.

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