for the past month or so my 9 month old basically refuses to go to sleep at night.
he use to be such a wonderful sleeper. would go down with out a fight. we could even lay him down while he was still awake, and he'd fall asleep on his own. (without crying or anything like that)
but now it is a constant fight and struggle to get him to go down for the night. he'll fall asleep while eating, and as soon as i lay him in his bed he is wide awake and having a fit.
i know he's tired, i can see it in his eyes, he just refuses to go to sleep.
we dont have any problem getting him to take a nap durring the day, and we dont let him take late naps either.
we have had the same night time routine since birth: bath, eat, then bed.
i am just at a loss of what to do. ive tried everything.
my husband is actually right now laying with him in our bed (which i am extremely against) trying to get him to go to sleep.
i refuse to let him "cry it out" or let him sleep in our bed. thoes 2 things are not an option.
i know babies sleep patterns can change, but this is just crazy.
anyone go through something similar???