
Severe tonsilitis and nothing os open on sunday! Please. Help. Really.?

by Guest62327  |  earlier

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It began yeaterday and hurt 7/10 yesterday. I gargeled with salt water and drank lots of vitamin c. I have no other symptoms besides a slightly runny nose.

I woke up in pain this morning. Pain is 9/10 (I am not exagerating!) when swallowing. It feels like it is going to my inner ear.

Visually, the L seems enlarged (it doesn't really hurt), but the R is dark red and I can't really see it.

PLEASE! WHat can I do!

IT IS SUNDAY> NOTHING IS OPEN! No MDs to help! What can I do???




  1. Hospitals are open, go there and get some antibiotics!  Or don't you have a 24hour medical centre near by?  I have gone to these a few time with the same thing. Keep up the salty water, you should be only putting about 1/4 of a teaspoon in a cup of lukewarm water and take pain relief as directed.  Remember your early symptons and seek medical attention asap next time.  Believe me the sooner you get onto the antibiotics the less severe the illness and you will recover quicker.  Where do you live for heaven sake then with no medical treatment after hours?

  2. try boiling lots of ginger for 20 to 30 minutes

    drink this, it might help. nice if the liquid is a little hot (not boiling) to soothe your throat.

    consult a doctor asap.

  3. drink a lot of water..and eat cold foods like ice cream so the swelling will be lessen..

  4. try gargling with salt water, or sip honey and lemon juice.  Rub vicks on your throat.  Otherwise go to ER.

  5. If it is unbearable go to the hospital, they'll give you something for relief or remove them. I had mine removed in college, I wish you well.

  6. Four things to do: take something that kills, and really kills pain, take something that helps you sleep, stay hydrated, and then go to sleep. vicodin will help with the pain and cough syrup will help you sleep, however these are both very powerful and painkillers mixed with narcotics become ever more strong so watch out on how much you take.  When you wake up and can't sleep anymore, nor do you want to, you will probably feel groggy. take some more pain killers (but not too much), stay hydrated and have a cold caffeinated beverage like a star-bucks frappuccino. watch a movie or something to stay entertained and to keep your mind off of the pain and help get through the day. That is all the help I can give you. Just relax and tomorrow you can go to see a doctor.

  7. ER is open 365 days a yr 24 hrs

  8. This used to happen to me all the time before i got my tonsillitis sorted out. I just rang NHS direct and they direst to the closest hospital and book you an appointment with the doctor in the emergency ward. The doctor will give you a prescription depending on your throat and you can just go to the local pharmacist and pick up your medication.

    Hope this helps, good luck.x

  9. Go to the ER.

  10. ummmm look up tonsilitis on webmd or go to the ER if it's bothering you that bad

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