
Severe weather alerts...?

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right now where i live we are under severe weather alerts until 1 15 pm.....but its like was thundering and lightning a little befoore but not really anymore...does this even make sense?




  1. Yes it makes sense...because even though that little bit passed, there are still chances for more tunderstorms to fire up before 1:15.

  2. Yes!  I live in Tornado Alley and it can be sunny one minute and before you know it it's to late to do anything other than hang on and ride it out.  I'm not saying to fear the weather, you should just have a healthy respect for it.  I have been in two tornadoes, one in '79 and one two weeks ago.  There was no advanced warning on the television for either they happened so fast.  Please just use your common sense, listen to the weather, and keep an eye on the clouds.  Hope this helps out.

  3. The storm that prompted the alert has likely passed you by, but has not yet cleared the entire alerted area.  And yes, the Sun can appear very shortly after the storm.

  4. It depends a lot on what kind of alert -- if it's a watch, that just means that the weather conditions are right that something severe could possibly develop. If it's a warning, that means, usually, that the bad weather is occurring somewhere in your county -- somewhere nearby, anyway.

    As for it currently being sunny -- a thunderstorm can pop up anywhere, very quickly, depending on what is going on in the upper atmosphere. That's what the alerts are for.

  5. i had it too....  i think that it might be a mistake or maybe something. good luck

  6. Yeah it still makes sense cause the sun never goes away. It's the amount of clouds you see dark clouds that is. Sometimes the clouds can be a little light. If it's a big cluster of a cloud like a nimbus which are considered super cells, then they can produce big storms. Key word being that it CAN ...not always but can and that's why they're severe weather alerts.

  7. We got the same alert too, yet I cut the lawns today!

    Got to have either a God or a Weather Man in your life, can't have both lol :)

  8. It just means that the storm may not be over. Think of the calm before the storm. It may be sunny now, but who knows what it will be like in an hour. They are just keeping you on your toes.

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