
Severs, how do you handle large tables?

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I'm a new waitress, and I have difficulty handling tables of 5 or more. What are some tips on handling large tables?




  1. Who is severs?

  2. Pay attention and take more time listening to the people.  Always take your order in the sammer direction, i.e. clockwise, or left to right or what ever way works for you.  But a table of 5 is not large, try 3 or 4 tables of 15 or more at the same time.

  3. Experience is always helpful,the more you start serving the better you will be at taking orders and doing basic waiting. In most larger tables there is some type of leader such as a parental figure or the leader in a group, take his or her order first and move your way down and get into a pattern on how you serve people.

  4. what i do is take a large piece of paper and write all their orders on it (rather than writing them on the small chits and mixing them up).  What i had a hard time with at first was the sheer number of people. all you have to rememer  is you don't have to take all the food at once, and get some of the other servers to look over your order if you want, to make sure it's ok. just remember to breathe! :) and always order in an easy-to-remember- fashion, like clockwise in a circle. use trays for the drinks, so you're not running around everywhere. and if you're struggling, just tell them you're new at this, and hopefully they'll understand.

    I starting servin a couple of months ago, and i still have a hard time with 8 + tables, but it's getting better. good luck and don't give up!!! :)

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