
Seville and Huelva??

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I was thinking about taking a trip to Seville in a couple of months. Ive seen pictures and it looks really nice, and i was hoping it would have more of a 'Spanish' feel to it, as i went to Barcelona a few weeks ago and once again it doesnt feel like im really in Spain!! (d**n Catalans lol)

But also i would like to maybe take a trip down to Heulva to be on the beach so if anyone has done this or would recommend either Seville or Huelva id be interested to read what you thought about the two!!





  1. check out this website of it has a picture of Seville

    in north west seville there is a Roman Site called Italica it has lots of Roman remains

    Check out this website

  2. Sevilla:  Ã‚¡preciosa!  You couldn't get much more Spanish, and, for that matter, you can't get much LESS Spanish, in Spain, than Barcelona!  Love Barcelona, but it isn't Spain, as much as it IS Cataluña.  Sevilla, Granada, all Andalucía, in fact, is so much more "typically Spanish," than Cataluña is.  

    Yeah, you should get what you want out of that itinerary.  In Huelva, you want to check out La Rábida monestary, and if you are interested in literature, the home of Juan Ramón Jiménez in Moguer.  (province of Huelva).  

    Beaches in Huelva province are nice, Atlantic beaches.  Don´t miss Doñana park, too.  

    And, no.  You don't want to drive (or, for that matter, try to figure out where to park) in Sevila.  If you want to rent a car to get to the beach, that's a good idea.  Smaller towns are okay for cars, but the big cities are such a cluster of twisting streets, that you don't want to mess with it!

    I lived in Sevilla many years ago, and was back for a visit last year.  You will LOVE it!  email me for details, if you want.  What to do, see.

  3. Seville definitely will feel very Spanish.

  4. absolutely gorgeous, both places. seville has a really moorish feel (north african invasions) and the buildings are beautiful. heulva and seville have a more 'spanish' feeling than the northern cities. flamenco and other gypsie art are in abundance there, and the food is delicious.

    if you want to experience the real spain then your choices of travel are spot on... you wont be disappointed!

  5. Sevilla is a beautiful city, but Huelva is not. There is a huge petro-chemical refinery there. Having said that, if you want a beautiful beach then go to Huelva and head south to Mazagon. Around that area you will find one of the best beaches in Europe. It stretches for about 30 kilometres. Pick your spot and you could find isolation depending on when you go. I was there earlier this year.

    I live in Spain. I've been to Sevilla a few times but mostly take the ring road. It is very well worth a visit but don't drive if you can help it. It can be a nightmare driving in Sevilla.
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