
Sevin dust and tomato plants???

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My tomato plants had some kind of reddish color mite on them.They were on the under side of the leaves.I sprinkled the plants with sevin dust 3 days ago.It looks like all the mites are gone now.It has not rained so the dust is still on the plants.I need to water them and I was wondering if I should spray the dust off the plants or do I need to just leave the dust on the plants? The plants are white with the sevin dust. Thanks !!!!!




  1. I would not use any product on tomatoes that is not specifically made for edible fruit or vegetables. Sevin could be poisonous.

  2. Sevin is fine - you can actually use that on dogs and cats as flea powder.  Just wash the fruit that is picked before eating it (duh - like i needed to say that) but otherwise it is fine to leave on the plants.

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