
Sewing Machine <span title="Hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllp!?">Helllllllllllllllllllllll...</span>

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I just bought my first sewing machine and I give all of you sewers so much credit. I have the Singer 1507 model and I'm having so much trouble with the bottom thread, and maybe even the top!

Are there any video's or down loads that someone is aware of? For some reason I am have a difficult time with the drawings. I need to watch someone set up the machine so I can copy at the same time. PLEASE any suggestions?




  1. Any chance you can return the machine?  The reason I&#039;m saying this is that new machines in this price range, in my experience, are rather finicky about adjustments, don&#039;t hold tensions well, and you can&#039;t get parts if something breaks, so the machine is essentially disposable.  For about the same price, you can probably find a much better used machine in a local sewing machine shop, serviced and ready to go, and someone to take you through the basic threading and operation.

    Otherwise, I&#039;d suggest Singer&#039;s own threading diagrams, here: -- I think the machine you chose has the thread path from the right hand diagram.

    And for bobbins,


    If this machine did come from a fabric store, there&#039;s some chance that someone there can go through basic threading with you, but it looks like this one is normally available in big box stores, where chances of finding someone to help are much slimmer.

    Or if you can find anyone who sews, they can undoubtedly walk you through it... all machines thread much the same.

    I might also suggest this video, which takes a new sewing student through machine use and through construction of a shirt:

  2. I bought a Singer sewing machine 12 years ago and never got passed threading the bobbin.

  3. hi bye

  4. Here are 7 pages on Youtube that may help you: ♥

  5. Go to where you bought it and have the sales person show you how to thread it (top &amp; bottom). Or can you carry it to a local fabric store? They would gladly have someone help you because if you know how to use your machine you will be a return customer. One more thing, do you know ANYBODY that knows how to sew? They would probably gladly show you how to set up &amp; use your machine. I sew, and I would, if I knew you. Don&#039;t get to caught up in trying to figure out that thing with the manuel and find a real person to help you. Once you see how easy it is, you&#039;ll laugh at that dumb manuel. Good luck!

    Ps: I took a sewing 101 class at my local city community center for $15 a session.

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