
s*x 1 day before positive ovulation test?

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Last night test was a faint positive and we had s*x but today it is deffinatly a positive. What are my chances of falling pregnant of we are unable to have s*x tonight?




  1. this may be blunt but hey we're all here for the same reason

    Your chances should be really good because his sperm should still be alive inside of you. In fertile cm sperm can last 3-5 days...  If everything goes as planned you should be able to fall pregnant (I hate saying that because I know how we all get soooo excited) but theoretically speaking the sperm should be there to meet the egg.

    Good luck!

  2. Some say the day before the big o is best while others say the day of is best. So chances could be good but if you get a chance to bd today go ahead and do it!

  3. Sperm live up to five days in the uterus.  Females live for up to 5, males live for up to 3.

    You are actually increasing the chances that you will conceive a girl since female sperm live longer.  Here is how it works:

    I read a book named Boy or Girl.

    1. The male sperm race up to the egg more quickly than the female ones. (Just like in real life, males are generally stronger and faster than females.) For this reason, if you are hoping for a boy you should have s*x ON the day you are most fertile. They also die faster- usually live three days max!

    2. Female sperm live longer -up to five days (as females in real life tend to do). For this reason, if you want to have a girl, you should have s*x three days before you ovulate. This way the male sperm will mostly be dead, increasing the chances that only female ones will be around to fertilize the egg when it is released. They are also slower.


    You probably have noticed the vaginal discharge...The stretchy stuff (vaginal discharge) (egg white like stuff) is called spinnebarket, and its purpose is to carry the sperm up to the ovaries. I know it's gross, but if you put it between your finger and thumb, and it stretches stringy like, then women are at their MOST fertile period. Some other signs, without using the strips are:

    sometimes ovulation cramping, and then one of the most TELLING signs that a woman is ovulating is sexual desire. Nature has a tricky little way to get women pregnant!

    (p.s. I bought like 100 ovulation strips on E-bay for like $25.00. They aren't in the fancy packaging, or have fancy cases and all, but they are very effective and you can test twice a day if you want to because they are so cheap!)

  4. well i believe your chances maybe close to 100% ... sounds like.

  5. I'm not sure how long it takes a sperm to get to an egg but I know they can survive up to 6 days inside of you. Also I heard its better to have s*x every other day so that it gives your man a chance to build up his sperm.

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