
s*x Question - help?

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Im a virgin but im in need of advice. I was wondering, Does a female feel pleasure no matter what when your having s*x, or does it have something to do with technique like speed, how hard etc. Or will the woman always feel pleasure as long as you hump??




  1. They always will but different amounts of pressure will increas their pleasure.  

  2. Do what she likes some like fast some slow some hard some soft. Ask her she will tell you .

  3. yes you must to it litlle hard because you have s*x you don`t there you must give your best shot ;)

  4. No. In fact, over 60% of women can not o****m through intercourse.

  5. Just cuz your in doesnt mean it feels great. Technique is important.

  6. a woman will always feel presser no matter what. u should start off slow then progress in speed that way she will be ready .  

  7. Yes, women will feel pleasure during s*x, but I think you may be talking about pleasure at the beginning of s*x.  Just like a man, a woman will feel pleasure when a p***s is sliding in and out of her v****a.  A man will feel the pleasure of getting to slide his p***s into her.  Both will feel the pleasure of the strokes and that pleasure will make them want to achieve another level of pleasure- o****m.  o****m is when a man's p***s muscles contract or when a woman's vaginal muscles contract.

    Most women won't reach o****m through intercourse because most s*x positions don't allow a man's p***s to rub her "C**t" or clitoris.  Do a position that will have the p***s rub her clitoris or have you or her massage it so she can reach climax and have an o****m.

  8. If u don't know then u don't need to be having s*x

  9. Yes women feel pleasure throughout the whole sexual act, and even more so should they have an o****m!

    As you gain experience with women, you will learn that not all women like the same things. Some may like it more if you are sensual, tender and caring during s*x, others may like it rough with speed and vigor! And some may like both, sometimes during the same session!

    The thing to remember is to discover what the woman you are with at any given time likes, and fulfill her needs! You will know whether she likes what you do or not based on her reaction to it! Concentrate on her and not yourself during s*x, let her worry about your needs as you take care of hers.

  10. i'm a virgin too. can't help much with that one i'm afraid.

  11. Just read very very very carefully what Dannilyn has 2 say.

    It be really really really wise 2 listen 2 her answer, cause she's totally dead on.


    read & learn.

    Good luck 2 U.

  12. hahaha

    this is by far the weirdest question i have answered but

    sometimes it really hurts girls

    and other times it doesnt. i

    if they are a virgin also they will probably hurt a little more

    But speed doesnt so much matter as the way you hump. Google it... haha

  13. Women are much less easy to please than men.  They need you to take your time, set the right mood, use a lot of foreplay and then last long enough for them to be satisfied.  When the time comes, ask the woman about her needs and preferences.  Most guys are lousy lovers for years, and many stay that way forever.  Be one of the different ones.

  14. Every woman is different

  15. uh no, the most pleasure a woman gets is from fingering and foreplay. all the orgasms I've ever had have been from fingering and cunnilingus (oral), my fiance is good about that, he made me o****m the first time we had s*x. If you're inside her the most pleasure is from slow insertion especially if she is a virgin but go as slow or as fast as she wants. If you're wearing a condom don't be afraid to bust inside her, that feels amazing. I made the mistake of asking if the condom was still on when my fiance did this (what?!? it was my first time!!) and now he ALWAYS pulls out to finish.

  16. Kim Cattrall (from s*x and the City) had a book talking about best ways to do it for giving a woman an o****m. She was on a talk show and they had the different positions in a scrambled word game. One of them was "rear entry, riding high." I'll never forget that one. lol. It doesn't mean anal s*x, either, by the way. You have to take it slow, and keep talking about what is feeling good and just learning what is working for her.

  17. too cute

  18. she should always enjoy it, if u are doing it right...

  19.      I want to say No and NO.  But women may feel pleasure from vaginal intercourse but most do not and cannot obtain anything like a climax or o****m from mere vaginal intercourse.  Just humping will not do much but make them sore.  Pay attention to romance, foreplay, and look for the ICS rule below.  

        To me there are at least four main elements for successful sexual encounter: reasonable sexual attraction if not love, reasonable match of p***s and v****a, male confidence, technique, and reasonable duration.

        The reasonable sexual attraction or love, I'll leave to you. But both males and females will note if it is missing. And you have not asked about size which is refreshing. In most cases size does not matter. 70% of males and females have average size genitals which fit each other nicely as they have done for 120,000 years. The size of genital only becomes an issue when the extremes are matched together: for example, a small v****a with a large p***s which can be tight and painful for both especially if the p***s hits the cervix or vice versa where a small p***s encounters a large v****a.

        But that is just the physical side of s*x. Successful sexual relations are much more complex. There is confidence. The female requires a degree of confidence about their males. The female job is to relax themselves so they lubricate their v****a and expand it so it can accommodate the p***s, and finally so they can o****m. They don't want to have to be concerned that you feel like you are too small or too stressed to focus on them. Be ready to play and slowly have fun.

        A brief word about duration. This is very hard for especially young guys. Young people are wound real tight sexually. The women so tight they can hardly climax in a reasonable time. Young guys so tight they can climax in an instant. Not sure what you can do: I can tell you it gets better as you get older. About 35 to 40 years of age the sexes seem to come together: the guy can last long enough for the woman to climax regularly and the woman can climax in a reasonable amount of time on a regular basis When I was young like you I used to m********e before going out if I thought I might get lucky so I could last a little longer. You could practice Kegal exercises to control your ejaculation: tighten and relax the same muscles you use to stop your pee. You can practice this daily and when you m********e.

        And the second thing is to try not to even enter her until she has somewhat climaxed from clitoria stimulation. More on this below. Just remember be ready to engage in a lot of foreplay: the lips, the ears, the neck, the b*****s, and then south. Heat will make her v****a secrete her natural lubricant and her v****a will double in size more or less to accommodate the p***s.

        Now there are advanced techniques. Women will notice right away if you have some knowledge of good techniques of s*x. For example, rule no. 1 called the ICS rule: it's the clitoris stupid. Most women do not obtain an o****m via vaginal intercourse especially the young ones; and fewer younger one do so before their thirties. Find out where the female clitoris is: just north of the entry to the v****a: it is like the p***s in that it engorges with blood and has thousands of nerve endings. This is how girls m********e. It is very tender and so be carefully; ask her to show you how she likes it. And be ready to stroke it gently and then how she directs you with your tongue. Get comfortable and flicker the tongue gently getting under the hood of the clitoris and drive her into excitement.

        The second rule is: "ladies first." Try like h**l to get her to climax via her clitoris before you even try to enter her v****a. After she has climaxed, she will have more patience with the difficulties and relatively diminished pleasure for her during vaginal intercourse.

        Finally, as noted above, there is the enrichment of emotional, spiritual, and even sexual attractions that are there or not there in the process and women and men notice their absence.

        With the first time, it may be better for her to be on top at first so she can control the entry of the p***s into her v****a. And then see if she can take you on top. But be patient and talk to her. Remember it's mutual play time.

        Finally, take notice, the first couple of times are rarely enjoyable for most girls. The first several times can be painful for the girls and may result in the taring of the hyman, tissue that more or less partially covers the entry to the v****a. There may be a little bleeding but it should not much. So don't be on top of grandma's quilt. This bleeding is normal and natural and will stop shortly. You should consider having some personal lubrication available. And be safe and careful as to procreation and STDs. Women will usually forgive you for the first couple of times if you are sincerely trying. But by the third time, you better be ready for her to enjoy hersel

  20. what the h**l how old are you ?!?!?
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