
s*x after circumcision?

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I needed a circumcision. due to my phimosis. Well, I wanted to know how does the s*x feel after circumcision?

and please, no anti-circumcision activist responses.




  1. I am circumcised, and don't have any difficulty with having intense pleasure sensations. I do not, however, have experience with an uncircumcised d**k. Anyone can speculate, but see if there is anyone who was uncut, and then became circumcised, (he would have the qualifications to really give you advice). Don't go off of just what everyone says!

  2. You'll probably count me as an activist if I say there are other treatments for phimosis you should try first if you haven't already, and most people say s*x is worse afterwards.

    Somebody was on here posting recently asking when the sensation would come back (it was 2 months since the operation and the doctor had told him it would be no different, he found out it was a lie). Here is the link, he is talking about masturbation not s*x, but you could email him and ask.;...

    Also a lot of the pro-circumcision people don't give a straight story, they are so excited by the whole idea of circumcision and the look, that they get heightened sexually because they have a fetish for it. So if you don't, you'll probably find s*x worse, sorry.


  3. my ex said it does

  4. Sensitivity and orgasms decline in intensity, steadily after circumcision.

    The skin is tight, and there is no skin  movement during masturbation or s*x.   Erections can be painfully tight and distorted.

    The skin gets tough and dry.

    Guys who were circumcised in their late teens concur that;

    s*x with an intact f******n is a .............10

    s*x after circumcision is a......................3

    There are other treatments for phimosis, type in CIRP on your browser and you will find a number of them.

  5. I am circumsized and I think it'll feel way better for you because your head is exposed now and its more sexually attractive to your partner which in turn turns you on so all-in-all its better :-)

  6. You probably didn't really need it in the first place... but umm it won't be as intense. And i heard from somone that its like having s*x with a broomstick.

  7. join these two groups

    Over 2000 members circumcised as adults and very happy about it.  post some questions there you will get your answers.

    you can get some info also at

    You also got an anti circ  response from a woman.  why would you take advice from someone who doesnt have a p***s.

    BTW   Cirp is an anti circ activist site.

    Helmets Rule

  8. I am circumcised and it makes for easier urination and s*x since there is no f******n in the way.  

  9. I don't personally know, but I've read that after you get a circumcision, alot of nerves that you had before are lost, so it may be less intense.

    Sorry bud :-/

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