
s*x after giving birth, when is it still safe?

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Hi. I've just given birth a month ago. A few days ago I started having yellowish discharge which I think is similar as when I'm ovulating. Does this mean it's not safe to have unprotected intercourse with my husband? I haven't had any spotting/my menstrual period haven't started again yet.




  1. I get really frustrated with people giving cut & dry answers that are either complete rubbish or just not relevant.

    The fact is every one's bodies, births and desire to do things are completely different.

    I waited only 10 days after birth, but I had a natural birth with only one small tear so this was long enough to make sure healing was well underway & most importnatly I wanted to resume things. Other people may need longer if more damage occurred 2-6 wks for example. And some people just don't feel like it for a while!

    As for whether to use protection or not, there aren't really any safe times or methods - a friend of mine is breast-feeding exclusively which is said to be a natural contraception and still got pregnant again only 4 months after birth so nothing is guaranteed.

    On the s*x front, when you feel you want & are ready, just take things slowly and stop if you are in pain or too worried!

  2. you need to use BC every time you have s*x.  wait until your body heals.  most doctors say to wait at least 6 weeks.

    you CAN get pregnant very easily, even though you haven't gotten your period yet.  ALWAYS use a condom.

  3. If you wanna do it then do it lol I did it 4 weeks after I gave birth to my twins and no I didn't have a C-section I had them all natural :  ) BUT we used a condom until I got on birth control because you are MOST fertile right after having a baby!!  

  4. You shouldn't have s*x for at least 6 weeks after having a baby.   Mainly b/c a vaginal birth is a terribly traumatic event to that area.  You can ovulate any time after you've given birth so unless you want back to back babies, make sure you have protection of some sort.  Ok, I'm off my soap box.  Good luck & be patient.

  5. 6 weeks  

  6. I was told its not safe to have unprotected s*x after a baby anytime. Ihad my son 3 weeks ago today. Unless you want another baby soo soon.  

  7. Your period may be coming soon.It should be ok to start having intercourse again as long as you don't over do it.And,make sure you are protected unless you want to have another baby so soon.

  8. I work in a hospital and the nurses catch couples having s*x immediately after childbirth. I personally didnt feel like having s*x that soon.  The OB/GYN suggested to wait until the first follow up before having intercourse.  For vaginal deliveries that is usually 4 weeks and for ceaserian deliveries 6 weeks.  After your visit your doctor should talk to ypu about birth control or contraceptives...if he/she doesn't then ask them if you are not ready to get pregnant again this soon.   I know 4-6 weeks sounds like a long time but be creative and try other practices until your body is ready for CONTACT because this is one of the most likely times to get pregnant again

  9. It is always unsafe to have unprotected s*x. So many people get pregnant right after having a baby because they think they magically can't have a baby.  The only time you can't get pregnant is when your pregnant or not having s*x. Its likely you would get pregnant now

  10. i'm almost positive it's 6 weeks until you're supposed to have s*x again.

  11. as long as the doctor said its ok go for it

    they should have told you about how long to wait


    its very easy to become preg. after just having a baby

    your more fertal now then ever

    so you may want him to wrap up just incase unless you really want to have anotherone this soon

  12. Ok - so the first part of your question - The v****a is self-cleaning. Sometimes the discharge can mean that a gland is overactive – or is a indication of an infection.

    Normally, vaginal discharge is clear or white ( and is normally about 4 tsp within a day). It may become stretchy and slippery during ovulation, about two weeks after your menstrual period. A change in the color or amount of discharge, along with other symptoms, may indicate that you have an infection.

    The v****a normally contains bacteria. Bacterial growth is controlled and affected by many different factors, such as acid level (pH) and hormones. Anything that upsets this balance may increase your risk of infection or overgrowth of any of the normal bacteria or by yeast.

    If you think it might be this - then go and see a health proffessional - butyou've not mentioned pain or discomfort - so its probably that you are ovulating.

    You didn't mention if you were breastfeeding or not - approximately 80% of women who are not breastfeeding find their period has returned by ten weeks. Breastfeeding can delay menstruation and ovulation for around 20 weeks or more, however it is not uncommon to find your period returning sooner or much longer than 20 weeks.

    It’s important to note that ovulation and menstruation doesn’t exclusively happen together – you may have your period without ovulation or you may ovulate and THEN get your first period shortly after – so you may not know that you are ovulating yet, which is how some women get caught out falling pregnant by surprise!

    Your hormones are still working themselves out.

    I guess the long and short of it is - have protected s*x if you are choosing not to run the chance of falling pregnant again this early.

  13. iv heard that its eaither 6 weeks or 6 months

  14. you are VERY fertile for the next 90 days after child birth


  15. I would not recommend unprotected s*x at this point especially if you are not breastfeeding. Take an ovulation test to be sure but I would use a condom until you get back into your regular birth control routine, whatever that may be. You are the most fertile right after giving birth so be careful. Good Luck and congrats on the new baby.

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