
s*x after giving birth two months ago?

by Guest66954  |  earlier

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I just gave birth two months ago and me and my husband have tried having s*x again. The first two time's i started to cry because it hurt so bad the second time i just let the pain take over my body and didn't think of it. My husband is always in the mood and I haven't been I'm also taking Lexapro for my post partum depression does that have any effect?




  1. I'm not sure of the actual statistic on Lexapro and s*x drive but after taking it myself for 5 weeks (OCD) I found I was more interested in s*x.

    I have never experienced pain the 1st time having s*x after delivery, although maybe it felt a bit different or "tighter" after not having had s*x for awahile, but not pain.  I would talk to your obgyn about this to make sure.

  2. Lexapro will ruin your s*x drive in a heart beat and so will having a newborn. Be patient. Don't have s*x if it hurts. Try getting some Astroglide at Walmart to help make sure you are lubricated enough. Go very very slowly and if the s*x still hurts stop and try again another day. It takes your body over a year to get back to the way it was before you got pregnant and some bounce back faster then others. Don't feel bad because you aren't in the mood quite yet. Give your s*x drive and your body a few more months to heal from delivery. Good luck. It will get better.

  3. Same thing happened to me.  It was very painful.  I had an episiotomy and so it was virtually impossible when we started back.  That was almost 3 months ago and we still have a very difficult time.  We had to go soooooooooo slow.   All I can recommend it KY and make him take it easy.  After a little time, it gets easier and easier.  Now, its still difficult starting off but soon it is ok again.  There is only like 1 position that we can do it in- both laying on our side- me facing out he facing my back.  Try that.  

    Not to be so descriptive but hope that helps

  4. If there is pain involved then your body has not recovered yet. You can hurt yourself by not listening to it. Pain is the bodies alarm system.

  5. Why s*x isn't working:

    1] trauma to v****a - from birth

    2] many women produce NO lubrication while they are breastfeeding, so use lots of lubricant!

    3] fatigue - kills off the s*x drive

    4] hormones - completely whacked up - but will balance out

    The good news is this will all eventually return to normal.

    a] Can your husband do the night feeding on his days off, so you can get more rest?

    b] can he do some of the chores, same reason?

    c] alternate position, maybe?

    My first baby , it took at least four months before any s*x drive came back - it's was like my husband pushed all the right buttons, but the electricity wasn't connected!

  6. look up the side effects...anti depressives are notorious for killing the s*x drive.  You may need to switch to something else...and get some astroglide one wants painful intercourse

  7. This is a subject most of us are too shy to talk about even with girlfriends - which makes is really sad and a danger to our well-being and health in the long run. I love how this beautiful community here on Yahoo is so open and honest with each other and the answers I have seen on many subjects - so supportive and clear.

    SO to answer your question - you probably are aware of the side affects of Lexapro ( the weight gain, nausea, insomnia,  increased sweating, fatigue, decreased libido, and anorgasmia.- that's directly from their website - So its fairly self explainitary - yes - it will be affecting your mojo!

    However - there are other factors in play here too - you have only JUST birthed - so your hormones are all over the place, you will be tired, stressed, emotional, fearful and jubilant - all in the space of 5 mins. In other words- you are a normal mother of a 2 month old.

    I have had 2 children, birthing them naturally. With the first one, I was so devastated, shocked and horrified at my experience and unprepared for the hormonal and bodily changes, that I was really uninterested in s*x or being even close to my partner for months afterwards - even though I did have s*x at that 6 week mark - to please my husband. However, with the birth of my daughter, I was in a much better space, prepared and ready and was ready to go within a week. I was relaxed and in control of my emotions, hormones and took the time to nurture and honour my space.

    I'd suggest anyone interested to go to as there are free articles and lots of free info specially in this area. In no way does it demonize men nor pass judgments - there is a spot for asking questions too.

    Everyone’s experiences make them an expert in their own right - so what is right for one couple may not be appropriate for another. Most couples wait for the magical 6 week mark and are dreadfully disappointed when that incredible pre birth s*x doesn’t happen ( and for some sometimes for months or years it just doesn’t come back to normal!!). The physical facts are that within six weeks of birthing, your uterus should be back to its pre-pregnancy weight and size. Breastfeeding assists in stimulating the hormones released around this function..This is the reason that you are meant to have a six week check up and then are medically are ‘fit’ to commence intimate relations. Your v****a will change shape – even if you had a  C section – but especially ( obviously) if you birthed naturally.  This does not have to mean for the worse – as many women report a heightened sensuality after birthing – so it CAN be so much better afterwards. Lubricant is a definite must - if you want to think about it - its like you are losing your virginity again...You have said that s*x hurts - Ignored and unaddressed are the emotional and psychological changes that have occurred - as pain is very often a manifestation of these changes ( in addition ot the physical ones like stitches and healing going on)

    It all depends I guess, on your birth experience and the damage ( physically and mentally) that you have endured and the meanings you place upon those experiences in relation to s*x. My advice is to keep an open and honest communication link with your partner and take things slowly – with little pressure – and connect again with yourself as a sensual being, before attempting to touch another.

  8. It sounds like you must have had an Epesiotomy, and of course, stitches. Your body will re-adjust to intercourse. If it doesn`t get to feeling right after, oh, say 6 times, I would definately speak to your Dr. and tell him. He might have put in a stitch too many.

    I don`t think the Lexapro will cause a problem in s*x, or have any neg. effect w/s*x. Good luck.

  9. When my husband and I tried to have s*x after the birth of our second child we couldn't because of the pain it caused me.  It seemed like my v****a just clamped down and wasn't going to let it happen.  After trying different calming techniques like labor breathing, drinking, etc., I finally talked to my doctor about it.  He said it was a a condition called vaginissimus.  Apparently I was subconsciously so scared of getting pregnant again that I wasn't going to let s*x happen.  He prescribed me valium and suggested we gradually get my v****a to open again with a series of rods increasing in circumference until I could comfortably receive his p***s again.  It was kind of fun s*x play for us and IT WORKED!!    

  10. Lexapro can have an effect on your s*x drive but more likely your body is still healing from childbirth...It took me about 6 month before s*x actually started to feel good again after I had my daughter...

    See my link for more info

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