
s*x and pregnancy - things feeling differently "down there"?

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I'm 36 weeks, and me and my boyfriend/baby daddy still have "frequent relations" which is great for both of us. But I've noticed that things seem to fit differently down there for me, the farther along I get. I understand that the baby belly gets in the way and we have to adjust for that, but I've never heard of it "feeling different" down there and inside for very pregnant women. Even with adjusting to bypass the baby bump, I can't do certain things anymore that we used to do because it doesn't feel the same. (like being on top, used to love it but now it makes me feel like all I have to do is pee, LOL!!!)

Anyone else had this? and will it always be this way after the baby is born? Are you permanently changed down there (besides the normal changes after having a baby)?? Or will it feel ALMOST the way it used to before I got pregnant?

Thx and sorry for TMI but I have no pregnant friends : )




  1. The bloodflow is roughly doubled. This usually makes s*x much better when pregnant. It's normal.

  2. There is literally only a few centimeters between your v****a and your womb; it's called the cervix  and it is most likely beginning to thin out because you are term.  He's hitting the baby which each thrust. Things will feel the way they used to feel a few weeks after you have the baby.  

  3. well I know everything swells down there EVERYTHING, I am only 22 weeks and have noticed this, everything seems as if it got a lot bigger, which make it a little weird during s*x, its b/c you have increased blood flow down there (infact everywhere) you know all those beautiful blue veins you get on your body and b*****s, well its the same for your women parts :), everything will/should change back to normal after baby comes

  4. Everything will go back to the way it was once the baby is born.  Right now you have the baby pressing on internal organs so what felt good before you reached 36 weeks won't feel the same now. will go back to the way it was once you give birth (well, about 6 weeks after since you shouldn't have s*x prior to 6 weeks after giving birth so your body can heal).

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