
s*x at 15 ?

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Do you think its proper to have sexual relationships at 15 ?

Explain why.




  1. NO

    because its illegal.. and at 15 is a dangerous age to have s*x because if you accidentally got them pregnant your teen life will be ruined... the baby will stress ur life u cant go anywhere... cannot hang out with ur friend.. and spend all your time on that baby..

  2. at 15 you wouldnt enjoy it?


    s*x if fab at whatever age.

    Just we safe, and its your choice.

    your body - and no one, not even the boyfriend, can decide what you do with it.

  3. NO because its a sin to " do it " before marrige wait till your older sweetie don't throw your life away you may get an std or worse.. a child

  4. no you dont really have good s*x unless you are in a relationship, its just humping another extra curricular activity, and at fifteen most are not responsible enough to worry about protection against disease or pregnancy.

  5. There are several reasons to wait, among them:

    1.  While the 15 year old body is more than ready for sexual reproduction, the 15 year old mind is not.  Sexual relationships carry a large psychic component.  It is very easy to hurt someone, or to be hurt by someone who is sexual partner.  Without meaning to offend, a 15 year old is simply not mature enough to handle the emotional baggage that comes along with a sexual relationship.

    2. Exposure to sexually transmitted diseases is greater when you have s*x at an early age.  More potential lifetime exposures results in greater risk.

    3. It's against the law.  In most, if not all, states, a 15 year old can not consent to s*x.  Therefore, intercourse with a 15 year old is considered statutory rape.

    FYI, I began having s*x at a young age.  It didn't help me in any aspect of my life.  Rather, it complicated things greatly.

  6. If you're responsible enough to use protection and BC, then I do not see anything wrong with it. s*x is both normal and natural and whether or not people like it, teens have s*x and always will. The average age people lose their virginity is around 15-17.

  7. I would say that it's up to you,

    you make the choice, but you should always be prepared for the worse; and think about it before doing it.

    I don't believe there's anything wrong with having s*x at 15, it's just expressing your feelings towards another person.

  8. No because I think that you have to think about the consequences that goes with that .... I also think that it is best if you enjoy your freedom (meaning with out a child) now as an adolescent because you do know that all protection is not 100% effective only abstinence is for sure .... I know that it is your life but I only tell you this because I was only 15 years of age when I became pregnant with my first child and yes we were using condom's and I was on the pill also at the time..... please think about it .... I have a 15 year old going through the same thing right now.... and I wouldn't wish for her to get stuck with a baby right now..... I really want her to have all the fun she can now that she has the chance ... I even told her that I support her decision no matter what so she will feel confident talking to me about no matter what and know that I won't freak out but will be here to help her in any way I can...

  9. Well i had s*x at 14 and i wish i wouldnt have the guy wanted s*x and well it didnt happen he poped my cherry and that was it ..your not ready!!!!. if you dont want to have a family dont have s*x .... most teens that have s*x do get pregonant!!! so id say dont do it

    even if your friends are ... wait because you dont want something you dont need ( a baby )

  10. nooo, don't do it.

    Wait until you meet that special someone when your older, And it will mean alot more, then it would now.

    Don't do it hun, you'll regret it.

  11. Risk of pregnancy and std's is very real (even with condoms). Consider that. Wait a couple years.

  12. I cant answer that i was sexually active at age 12, and i am 15 and have 2 beautiful babies! I am happy with my life.

  13. Yes because i did 4 years ago and what i do everyone should do. but no 15 is an alright age better then 10 i guess but you should wait till your married s*x isent all that great unless it's with pam anderson and carmen electra or somone like that but other then that it is just problems if you dont use the proper protection you dont wanna end  up with an STD or Being a father at 15 best advice is to do what you wanna do it's your personal life just be cautious and try to wait.

  14. only if you are willing to accept the consequences

  15. No. I don't think 15 year olds are mature enough to consider all the consequenses that go with sexual activity. Personally, before one has s*x with anyone they should know what veiws that person has on possible pregnancies, and stds. I think they should be mature enough to go get tested for any stds they could get if they when being sexually active. They should know wheather or not the other person is getting tested regularly. They should know what types of protection and birthcontrol they will be using. They should know if the other person believes in abortions or not. They should be mature enough to make a good decision about anything that  might occur without freaking out when something comes their way. They should be mature enough to talk with their parets about sexual issues without feeling embarrassed. If you are to embarrassed to talk about it maturly then you aren't mature enough to be doing it in the first place. If you have to ask question like "Am I pregnant me and my bf did such and such and I think I might be pregnant? or thinking you could get pregnant by oral s*x. I also think if someone is sexually active they should be mature enough to be able to support themselves and their choices without solely relying on their parents.

  16. No, at 15 you don't need to be worrying about sexually transmitted disease, pregnancy, and all the emotional stuff that having s*x puts on you. Be young, have fun. There is plenty of time to have s*x.

  17. Tell me how many 15-year-olds hold a steady job (not just a summer gig at the Y).  Tell me how many 15-year-olds would be willing to commit to one person for the rest of their life.  Tell me how many 15-year-olds would give up their childhood in favor of raising another child.  Tell me how many 15-year-olds can actually take care of another human being and be completely responsible for it for eighteen years at minimum.

    That is how many 15-year-olds should be having sexual relationships.

  18. Are you ready to have a baby?

    You shouldn't have s*x until you are ready to raise a child, because s*x can always result in a baby, even if you use protection.

  19. NO!

    Because no 15 year old is emotional mature enough to handle being sexually active.

    Girls get pregnant  and the boys leave.  

    Save it for marriage!

  20. no! too young!

    if you are with someone who you will be with for a long time then you have plenty of time for that later, enjoy being a teen  

    If you are with someone who you will not be with for more then a few weeks, then there s no reason to have s*x, there are too many things that could happen and children having children is just sad, you cannot take care of a child at 15, you can't even drive

  21. i think it's ok, i am around your age. anyway i am going to wait until i am older. why? cause i see i am changing a lot (emotionally, sexually, and physically), but just a month i wanted and thought about having s*x. it would of made my body tension leave, it sounds cool, but later sounds S****y (no offense!!!!!!). but it's your life and your choose.

    advise: wait or stop if you are having s*x. i know it's sounds cool and is fun, but trust me...wait.

  22. I would say NO, it is not only the fear of pregnancy and std's you can get AID's and DIE!!!!   Once you have s*x it does'nt seem like such a big deal to wait anymore it's like oh well I already did it, why not.  So that leads to multiple partners. Please wait until you are mature and hopefully married, because this should by a wonderful experience.

  23. thats when most sexual relationships start.

    i think anything BUT s*x is okay at this age.

    i know many people and also myself that had s*x at the age of 15 i just think people should wait longer.

  24. Yes, God made you mature young for a reason.  It is perfectly fine as long as it is with a person you truely love.

  25. If you think you're ready, and are well protected, it's all on you.  But you have to realize, going through puberty still your emothions are so out of wack and your changing everyday.  It's an emotional rollorcoaster.  Plus, every person you have s*x with, you give a peice of yourself to weither you think about it or not.  I wouldn't recomend it, I waited until I was ready.  I was 18, out of high school, and had a good idea of what I wanted in a relationship before I had s*x with anyone.  Plus, once you take any relationship to that level, there is no turning back.

    It's a connection that should be for seriouse times.

  26. If you're safe and ready then why not.

    It's no different than doing it at 17, you still don't love eachother and want to spend the rest of your life together.

  27. If you are living in U.S. its illegal to have sexual relationship.

    If you are living somewhere else, maybe they put that in consideration.

    Overall, I myself think that its immoral for a young child to have this kind of intercourse. You know what I mean?

  28. It depends how sexually mature you are, esspeciall the girl in the relationship. Because your first sexual relationship can challange and therefore change you quite a lot mentally.

    So just think.

  29. Religiously: no

    Moraly: It depends on how you see each other, the purpose, etc.

    My advice: Besides the religious reason, you could get a sexual transmitted disease, or get pragned (or, if you're a boy, she could).

    How would that fit in your life plan?

  30. It is absolutly proper to have s*x at 15, especially since in the US the age of consent is between 16-18. Go for it! at 15 you are responsible enough to be a parent, and you know exactly what "love is" so do it up! Do it!!!!!!!!


    P.s. dont use your teeth

  31. Doesn't really sound like a good idea. There's a time to enjoy your young adult life experiencing the best of what youth has to offer. Putting a chance for a potential baby in the picture even if you do practice safe s*x, may seriously shut that door for you especially if its unexpected, which is the case most of the time. Don't be pressured to do or try something out especially with significant/life-changing implications such as this. There is a time for s*x down the line. There's also the danger of getting tangled with the law. Far as I know its illegal in most states/countries.
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