
s*x-change inmate says treatment stopped. Fair or unfair? Your thoughts?

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By DENISE LAVOIE, Associated Press Writer

1 hour, 27 minutes ago

BOSTON - A killer who sued to have a s*x change claims her body is becoming more masculine again because she's being denied treatment in prison as she awaits a ruling in her bid for the surgery. Michelle Kosilek, formerly known as Robert, said that for months she has not been allowed to have court-approved hair-removal treatment or access to a specialist to discuss her testosterone levels.

"My b*****s have shrunk, genitals have regained previous size and function, facial hair is thicker and scalp hair is thinner, all related to an elevated testosterone level," Kosilek said in a handwritten letter submitted to the court recently.

Robert Kosilek was sentenced to life in prison in the 1990 murder of his wife. Kosilek said the slaying was self-defense after she poured boiling tea on his genitals.

Kosilek, 58, who legally changed her name to Michelle in 1993 and has been living as a woman, first sued the Department of Correction in 2000, saying its refusal to allow her to have s*x-change surgery violates the Eighth Amendment protection against cruel and unusual punishment.




  1. If this prisoner was diabetic, would you consider it reasonable to deny her insulin? Essential medical treatment is not a privilege in civilised countries; it's a right, regardless of who needs it.

    Transsexualism is a congenital condition, not a 'choice'; or a whim, or a way to get preferential treatment; It's congenital, incurable, debilitating and frequently fatal.

    Treatment for it is considered to be a clinical necessity by the medical profession. Just because someone is in Prison does not take that necessity away.

    You might want to read this;

  2. Murderers shouldn't be able to have anything done about that, that is the point of being in jail... I mean gosh as if jail isn't nice enough... you should see it in other countries!

  3. Firstly about his treatment thing i'd just like to say ..."HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

    Secondly, how is he defending himself from someone who has just thrown tea on his genitals... is tea a murder weapon...lets start killing people with tea..."Hey i killed my husband with tea..." WTF??!!??!?!?!?!

    He should rot in prison the way he is. he cant accept the manhood god gave him..he must be suffering from personality disorders..psycho!! he deserves what he's getting. he should never recieve treatment....

  4. Who cares that he wants to be a woman.  That's his choice.  When it really gets my goat big time is when this idiot thinks that taxpayers owe it to him to help him get his drugs to stay living as a woman.  My goat gets even more gotter when this idiot wants taxpayers to pay for his surgery to change him over to a her.  Though I haven't heard that he is paying for the whole thing himself.  For sure, his wife won't be helping him out poor thing.  I'd love to know that all those unlasered little hairs are turning and corkscrewing back into his skin all over his evil little body!  THERE, I got it all out.  Phew!


    How very interesting that everyone gets all the thumbs down!  So what is it?  Is it the troll patrols?  or is it everyone thumbing us down thinks we all show our bigotry against gender benders?  OR, is there another bunch of idiots who think that we taxpayers should show a little respect for this idiot who wants things his way or that s/he should be rewarded for murdering his wife for her possible bad behavior?  Good questions.  Star for me.  AND, puh...leeze don't compare a lifestyle choice to a medical disease.  Not going to wash.

  5. I agree with you about the 3 hots and a cot. Unless he/she pays for it him/herself.

  6. This "rant" does not belong in the royalty section

  7. Oh. well. My tax dollars should NOT be spend to make sure some man that committed a crime has b***s. If he wants b***s, then let him stuff his bra and bind the other because my dime should NOT be spent on that nonsense!

  8. I hope you posted this in the current affairs section too, as it has nothing to do with royalty

  9. I don't think that this has anything to do with royalty,you may have a better response in the "Insignificant murderers who have s*x change operations"category.Good luck in your quest.

  10. I have a plan that will allow him to become a woman without costing the State a dollar. First, you take a very sharp knife----

  11. Too bad. His wife had a more important right to not be dead.

  12. i think he doesnt deserve ANYTHING!!! not even 3 meals and a cot...when u take someone right to live away from them, its fair to say that ALL of your rights should be taken away as well.....but my question is, did he begin the process of becoming a woman BEFORE he killed his wife and got life in prison?

    IF he did and he legally changed his name and made efforts to change his gender before he became a prisoner, i think he should be entitled to whatever care he needs..

    I know Im technically sitting on the proverbial fence with this, but If he was legally declared a woman before sentencing , he should have a right to certain care..If a woman goes to prison, do we deny her OB/GYN care? No. Do we give her the medical care she needs in prison? Yes.

    And my second question is, is he/she in a mens or womens prison?

    If he's in a man's prison, he should be treated as a MAN.

    However if he/she is in a womans prison and he/she is beginning to show male genitalia, he/she should be put back on whatever hormones that he/she was taking..

    I say this because if he/she IS in fact in a womans prison, whats to stop him from raping another female prisoner as a way to take out his anger....

    I do think that if he is in fact in a mans prison, he should be treated as a man!!

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