
s*x ed or Abstinence?

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I googled the school I'm going to this upcoming school year and I found out that they were trying to make a decision to teach either s*x Education or Abstinence. They can only do one, not both because of money. So then I thought of this question.

From the views of teens, pre-teens and parents, I was just wondering which do you think they should teach in schools?

I choose s*x education.

thank you.




  1. s*x-ed

    I'm a teen and although most of us don't like to admit it we do listen to what they tell us.

    I don't really want to ask my mom all the questions i have, its just, awkward.

    And not all parents talk to their kids about s*x, and we kids don't bring it up.

  2. s*x ed with heavy influence on abstinence.

    Because lots of teens with make the choice themselves to choose abstinence, because of religious or health reasons.

    But others will choose to have s*x, and they will need the s*x ed.

  3. s*x ed because  it's way too uncomfortable for a teen to ask a parent.

  4. s*x ed. even if kids plan on abstaining from s*x, they still need to learn about it.

  5. s*x ed.

    If they taught abstinence, not everyone is gonna do that.

    At least with s*x ed, it helps the people that aren't going to practice abstinence.

    I think more people at your school would benefit from s*x ed.

    My school doesn't teach either one. =/

    I kinda wish they would; we have a bunch of pregnant teens.

  6. What a crock.  Money?  Philosophy is more like it.  There's no reason on earth why they can't make up their own program that teaches s*x ed while encouraging abstinence.  It's not an either-or situation like they're pretending it is.  Just because someone tells you that you only have two choices, that doesn't mean that there aren't more choices that they just don't want you to know about.  It sounds to me like the school board is just shelling out money to some outfit for a pre-packaged program, money they could spend developing their own program for a fraction of the cost.  s*x isn't that complicated.  You can be taught all you need to known in an hour.  If someone takes a whole semester, then they're just dwelling on the subject because it turns them on.

  7. LOL s*x ed of course you must live in the Southern part of the U.S.

  8. s*x ed.

    all of those kids arent going  to stay virgins.

  9. s*x education, they can always include abstinence in the class too. You can try to teach students to abstain for s*x but the truth is a lot will not. They need to know what to do and how to do it. They need to know the consequences and everything. s*x education would bring wider ranges for the teacher to go into, which will help all the students in the future.

  10. s*x ed.  Because we know that gets results..sometimes when kids listen..

    Abstinence is an invidual personal choice.  It cannot be mandated.

  11. s*x Ed.

    because you know that all those kids aren't going to stay a virgin 'till there married. Maybe some, but not all. So you might as well teach them to be safe.

  12. s*x Ed because some teens are already having s*x and not every one believes in abstinence so it wouldn't benefit everyone.  Sed Ed would benefit everyone.

  13. shoot, s*x ed didn't teach me anything i didn't already know this year!

  14. I say s*x Ed. You can tell children to abstain but they really need to know the consequences if they don't. They need to know what could happen. They also need to know about the pressures and how to say no and how to wait until they are ready.


  16. s*x ed...I think the fact that Y!A is filled with obscure youth questions about s*x and pregnancy is enough of a reason.

  17. s*x education because young people need to be informed!!!

  18. i choose s*x ed

    because i beleive that we should be informed about what can happen, STDs, pregnancy ect. not be scared away from it

  19. I say s*x ed. I know there are plenty who will disagree. If abstinence worked 100% of the time I would go for it. But just check out all the questions on YA. Have you ever in your life seen so many people uneducated on s*x and reproduction. There are young teens on here messing around with all kinds of partners and they don't even use any protection. No body has ever said here is how it works and here are all the consequences of s*x. Parents ignore it leave it to the school system and then try to blame whoever when their son or daughter becomes a parent at 15 or 16. My son is almost 5. I see parents w/ kids my kids age that don't even know the right name for their private parts. My son knows what his private parts are and that they are private. You can know when he is old enough he will be told about s*x and what it's all about. I want him to know he can talk to me even if it's uncomfortable. It's better than my son getting aids or making me a grandma at 38. For the parents who are so blind to say "my son/daughter would never".... YEAH RIGHT ok.... what were we all doing at that age.

  20. s*x education.

    Teens are going to do what they want either way.

    Just like the schools who had D.A.R.E programs.

    Look how many high schoolers do drugs now.

    Just shows that teaching kids not to do something doesn't work.

    So, I say s*x Ed.

    And I agree, abstinance is not something that can be mandated, as it is a personal choice.

  21. s*x ed because that includes abstinence.

  22. s*x Ed!

  23. I think they should do s*x ed in school. Because many teenagers would go and have s*x anway so atleast this way they are teaching them how to be safe.

  24. s*x Ed.

    because kids are going to have s*x no matter what, mine as well show how to do it safe.

  25. I choose s*x education. Because not all kids are going to abstain or wait until marriage. They might as well know what they're getting into.

  26. I think that it is importance to teach s*x education, but to also talk about the importance of abstinence. There are so many students that are going to have s*x no matter what you say so it is best that they know how to be safe about it and the risks that they are putting themselves in. I personally remained abstinent until I got married though and think that it is the best option.

  27. s*x Educatio Because people are going to want they want anyway so atleast when they get pregnant they cant say they didnt know how it happened

  28. s*x Ed, because there are too many parents out there who do not talk to their kids about s*x, and those kids need information as well, even the flawed information the public school system gives out.

  29. i pick s*x ed bcuz there are so many questions like "how do i have s*x" and c**p. they didnt teach us s*x ed at my school but they should have bcuz there are 3 poregnant girls. yea.

  30. Both is good to teach. They should teach both just do it at the same time maybe the first half teach one then the second half teach the other. Most of the time when they teach s*x ed they do talk about abstinence. When they teach abstinece they don't talk about s*x ed. So I guess I pick s*x ed. I think that if teens are going to have s*x they sould be safe. I'm a mom and I don't want my daughter to have s*x until she is older but if she does I would want her to be safe and s*x ed teaches that.
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