
s*x for first time after c section?

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does it hurt to have sexual intercourse for the first time after having a c section? or what does it feel like I'm kind of scared to try it




  1. I had a c section 10 yrs ago and asked myself the same ? back then. Dont be afraid!!!! The only thing that may hurt is if your scar is still healing and your still sore in the belly area. As far as down there and inside, there should be no worries. Just take it slow at first to make sure you are comfortable. And remember to use protection! hahah. you dont want to end up like me and have another one right away!! Good luck. Hope this info helped.  

  2. Just be careful your man doesn't go too deep and pop the stitches out of your stomach!

    Tell him to just put the tip in at first.

  3. If you wait until you are completely healed, it should not hurt. We did it before it was time and there was some discomfort. Once 5 weeks had passed since the c-section, things felt great. The only weird thing was the bleeding that occurred after o****m, but that is normal and didn't last long in my case.  

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