
s*x for the first time and scared i will bleed??..what to do???

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s*x for the first time and scared i will bleed??..what to do???




  1. I know everyones different, but i barely bleed at all! and im pretty sure he couldnt even tell. But most importantly, you dont want your first time to be with some guy your scared you'll bleed infront of.! honestly, im only 15, and i lost mine to the wrong person, and right after i did the most amazing guy came along and i dont think ive regretted anything more. so if your that worried.. either tell him your fear so he'll be prepared, or wait it out.! i promise it will be worth it.

  2. well if your gonna do it for the first time and you think you will bleed then i suggest having tampons/pads with you just in case. but i doubt you will bleed cause not everyone bleeds the first time they have s*x!

  3. what to do ???

    wait until you are at least engaged.  you dont sound old enough for s*x

  4. Don't worry about it.

  5. You'll bleed, but it's not like an enormous amount of blood. You won't even notice your bleeding until you go to bathroom after wards and wipe yourself.

  6. You might not bleed, I didn't. Don't worry though if you do, it's normal.

  7. well ...if youre not married..i would suggest waiting till marraige ..i regret having premarital s*x...when i came to the Lord, he forgave me and lifted my burden..but i wish i wouldve never done it. : )

    God bless you!

  8. give it a little time a.k.a get married

  9. I suggest waiting. It sounds like you aren't mature enough if you are concerned about that. Besides it isn't like you are gonna start gushing blood. It is just a little bit and light pink. It usually hurts the first time too not to scare you, but to let you know this is just normal.  

  10. well 1 make sure you are using protection.

    2, use tons of lube and tell the guy to be gentail.

    for more info go to:

  11. use plenty of lube, it will help.

  12. It's not a huge amount of blood, really.  Some tissues should take care of things.  You might leave a spot on the sheets, but you could plan for that.

    I hope you are old enough.

  13. Okay, Here I will tell you everything you need to know!

    Im 16 and I had my first time about a month ago.

    And I was in your exact position

    So here we go:

    Let me tell you please wait until your ready, i heard that before and i was like okay whatever i know when im ready. It took me a couple of times to where it got down to it i felt comfortable.

    I barely bled. I just kinda had a little bitty brown stain on my underwear.

    Really the only thing that got me was the pain.

    And i really really wasn't expecting it to hurt, i had forgotten all about the whole first time hurting thing. And then as soon as it went in i wanted to scream, Not trying to scare you but just to warn you, it was the worst pain of my life. I had been fingered alot so I didn't think it would hurt, but it was terrible. I made him stop after lik 10 seconds. Just make sure ya'll use a condom though. If you do bleed, like me, its nothing major at all. So don't worry, it wasn't even enough for me to wear a liner or anything. And you only do like right after, because its like your skin tearing a little.

    Good Luck!!

  14. why are you scared to bleed. are you afraid your boyfriend will think something? if so then honestly your not ready for s*x. if your gunna have s*x it should be with someone you really love and care for and vise verca. if he really loves you he wont care about a few drops of blood

    but more girls dont bleed then girls who do because most girs break their hymen through other activity other then s*x

  15. just relax. you might bleed it just depends

  16. have you watched the secret life of the american teenager ;)

  17. As for me, I am an Atheist. So I don't believe in that God will be angry and then he will forgive you c**p. So let me keep this real for you :)

    It is your hymen. Yes it will hurt, but after a few times, it will go away.

    I suggest being with someone that you feel very comfortable with for your first time, someone who you are willing to bare all and not be embarrassed that you are in embarrassing pain...

    BE SAFE!


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