
s*x help please, !!!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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What does he expect?

i have been with my boyfriend for 1 year and he wants to have s*x, i do to but im not experienced and i was wondering what do boys expect am i supposed to let him do "stuff" to me or do it to him or how should i go about it, i need help! xoxoxoxo

i do want to but i dont want to make a fool of myself so i wanted any tips from people so i dont look stupid

my friend said i should make noises?? should i, i thought that it would sound stupid???




  1. well you should suck his p***s and then let him do the rest

  2. just be yourself, a bj is a great way to start off and finish with

  3. It is a pretty natural and beautiful thing.  Giving someone your viginity is the most inredible gift a woman can give.  When you are with the right person, you wil know it and there will be no questions, no apprehension and no jugement, just beauty.  It should be shared with the one person you will spend the rest of your life with and should be cherished as a true eternal gift.  Here is a thought provoking video - check it out.

  4. i say jus go wif the flow !!!!!! once u guys start, things happen rather automatically.

    And trust me.......the sounds come automatically as well......

  5. that mean you are not ready so  do not do it  

  6. s*x with someone you love is an extremely personal thing. You do not have to make noise or do anything. Everyone's experience in the bedroom is different. There is no "right" way.

    If you and your boyfriend cannot talk about these things and take things slowly and happily, then skip it. If he loves you and you love him, then I would expect you to be best friends who can talk about anything. I assume your boyfriend knows you have not had s*x before and would not expect  you to be an expert.

    The main thing is to be comfortable in yourself. YOU are responsible for what you do and what you allow done. If you are not comfortable, aren't liking something, or change your mind, then feel free to say so.

    The biggest thing is to use two forms of protection. Use a barrier like a condom and spermacide gel available in the drug store, plus consider the birth control pill.

    If you fear making a fool of yourself, then skip getting naked until you are sure, confident, happy and ready. There is no rush.  

  7. If you are nervous, I suggest you speak to someone you trust. If you are so young that speaking to a parent isn’t a good idea, then having s*x may not be a good idea. As a parent, it is the last conversation I want to have with my kid, but have it I would. ‘whereRyou?’ is right about protection. Not just from pregnancy but also STD’s, many of which can go for months undetected and with one or both partners unaware. Some of them can harm your ability to later conceive a child or even kill you. Ask yourself, what would you want your daughter, at your age doing? s*x is not about losing your virginity or him popping your cherry or the thousand other vulgar terms that are passed around in the locker room. I was once a teenager. So was your mother. Trust someone you love, confide in the ones you trust. That list should include your parents or some adult.  

  8. Ask him what he wants you to do for him. If he loves you you won't look stupid. Don't fake sounds

  9. just be yourself, you don't need to make noises unless you want to. don't put on a big act just relax

  10. do a bit of moaning but not like 'I'm dieing' kinda moaning. the good kind and besides that, i really don't think that you need to much help. you'll know what to do when you do it. just go with what you feel ;) if it feels good then go with it! if it doesn't then move around until you get it does. believe me, you'll totally forget that you didn't know what to do the second you start! and its fine if you feel nervous just make sure you find out what he likes. experiment a little bit! well best of luck and i hope i helped!  

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