
s*x: how rough is too rough?

by Guest67107  |  earlier

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the other day I pulled on my girlfriends hair in bed and she looooved it... what else do you do, stuff like that to get your girlfriend off? ha that sounds wierd...




  1. bend her over and spank her bottom, just make sure you kiss and stroke loads too. could try biting, not the nipples though they are very sensitive. hold her down while you bang her, shoulders is good, neck if she really trusts you. pin her down by the wrists, use cuffs/ rope. stick fingers in her mouth when she's about to come, just be prepared for a little bite!

    just a few ideas there. best thing to do is ask her or suggest things if she doesn't know.

  2. How rough is too rough? When your bed acrobatics leave you with a sprained neck, or a torn ligament. Physical injuries are too rough. Bruises are too rough. Red marks are ok.

    Pulling the hair? Thats just pillow talk.

  3. I would not try any of the suggestion here without discussing it with your girlfriend first.  A male friend of mine tried some of these things on this girlfriend and she slapped the pee out of him and gave him a black eye, just before kicking his *** to the curb literally.  It's okay to discuss s*x with your girlfirend and find out what she likes or dislikes.  

  4. Well as a girl too i like it when guys pull my hair too you could try spanking her or tying her up just stay safe and make sure she wants to too

  5. Ask her what her limits are if you wanna start experimenting. Have a safe word. Then just have fun.

  6. slap her butt

  7. Maybe you could try gentle biting, I like it when my boyfriend does that.

    Don't have to answer just read?;...

  8. Im a girl and I dont like anal.  Out of everything, that is one I dont care for.  Once a guy I was with pulled on my hair a bit, and I kind of felt dirty.  Dont like that either.  It's funny because the two things that really turn me on are two extremes.  One is the interaction of the eyes meeting and seeing the passion and the other is talking really s**y to each other (not really dirty, just s**y, almost like whispering).  

  9. Totally depends on the girl. Some girls won't let you spank their butt others want you to plow them until they pass out. Make sure they are comfortable with whatever you do though.  

  10. Set her on fire.

  11. uhmm it depends on your gf ya know. ask her if she has limits. then after that you guys can try new things. like i like it when he hold me down with both my arms and he kisses my neck.. also when the guy takes control ya know.. but all girls are different..(=

  12. try spanking, hand cuffing, blind fold, anal

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