
s*x? how young is too young?

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how young is too young. a bunch of my friends have already had s*x and were all 14 and 15 i havent yet but my girlfriend wants to and im considering it. what should i do? should i do it?




  1. Hey, if you can't support a baby, don't have a job, and are not willing to take're too young. There's no sure-fire way to ensure that she doesn't get pregnant. Not the pill, not condoms, things can happen and do happen.

    Don't have regrets.

  2. i think that you need to seriously think about it. when you turn 18 do you want to know that you lost your virginity at 14/15    usually it is the other way around, it's the boyfriend who want's to have s*x. if i were you i wouldn't give in i would hold out for as long as you can.

       it is very rare to find anyone 16 or older who is still a virgin unless they are physically unattractive.... no hard feelings anyone. but think about how much more respect you will have for yourself when you don't catch the same STD that all your friends are getting.

       and just a tip....... women go crazy over virgins especially when they are 18. it means that they respect themselves and women.

       but honestly.... don't give in.   keep yourself until you feel the time is right. if you have to ask, you arent ready.  

        and what happens when you get your girl prego cuz the condom breaks? how do you explain that little "OOPS" to your parents.

       you will be thankful if you wait.  

  3. yes normal age now is 15-18 for teens

  4. well tecnicaly its not actually legal. but only do it if your comfortable with it. don't rush into things just becuase it's cool or something.

  5. accually its up to u..if u wan to have s*x..go ahead..but if u think ur nt really n u think ur too "young"...then dont have s*x then...

  6. if u r ready for s*x means u r also ready to accept what might come after that.STD'S a pregnancy if u r ready for this then go for it i know u ll use condom but condoms break and the pill doesnt always work and just wait till u r 19

  7. if your asking this, then your too yonug. nuffffsaid!

  8. you should only have s*x when your financially ..mentally..emotionally and physically ready and able to deal with the results that could occur.Theres std's thats really bad...theres pregnancy and parenthood which requires maturity and lots of money ,,,time theres alot to think about and until you can handle all of that then your answer should be no s*x.Condoms and birth control are not 100%

  9. Hey, relax you have your whole life ahead of you!!

    There doesn't need to be any pressure about you having s*x at such a young age.

    Wait until your married.

    Then you will have one precious gift to give your husband/ or wife

    Dont waste that.

    I know the world thinks s*x is cool and you should do it all the time.

    But its something you shouldn't take lightly.

    Think about the consequences.

    s*x outside of marrige is wrong whether you think so or not.

  10. I recommend you don't.  That's my choice though, I know it's tougher being a guy but later on I think you would regret it.

  11. have you seen juno?


  12. about 8

  13. You'll regret it..with s*x comes complications, and most people aren't mature and ready to handle them until they're a little older(like 18+)...Just wait and enjoy your'll be glad you did!

  14. Ask your parents.

  15. me being a mom and grandma please use protection and only u know if your ready

  16. Honestly, wait til you're ready.  I was 15 and only did cause all my friends were.  It turned out to really be no big deal.  It's just a lot of hype.

  17. YOUR TOO YOUNG! like the other girl said. are you ready to take care of a baby? are you ready to get a STD? to be a dad? i know your thinking its not going to happen, but hey its a BIG possibility. think about it. atleast wait till your like 17. also being that young you'll probably have a clingy anoying girl after you have s*x with her. lol

    p.s. if you do it anyway. use protection! !

  18. Too young is probably 13 I would say.

    When I was in 8th grade a girl was pregnaunt and gave brith in the middle of the school year.

  19. if you've got values and don't want to then don't. it really is over rated but if you want to go for it i wouldn't exactly reject it  

  20. Have s*x after you get married (I'd say ages 20 - 26). If you're still in High School , your too young.

    You can't just have s*x with anyone. Life isn't all about s*x. You need to meet someone first. You must have feelings for that person. Then you graduate from High School. Get your Diploma. Got to College and study something. Then , get married and have all the s*x you want.

    Don't just have s*x because your friends said "they did it". It's your choice. If I were you , I'd worry more about school and grades right now.

    Hey , it's up to you ! Just make sure you use a condom.

  21. the realest thing you will ever hear you cant get it back. don't give it away to any one

  22. s*x is more about maturity than age.

    I wouldn't recommend s*x at 14 or 15, because most people that age have not reached the level of emotional maturity required to engage in sexual activities.

    Here are some things to consider: Is your girlfriend on the pill, are you willing to buy condoms and spermicides for birth control? Are you responsible enough to handle a pregnancy if something goes wrong?

    I would wait a few more years if I were you.  

  23. No you shouldn't follow your friends!Those guys will never be with the loose girls that let them hit.

  24. i say dont even have s*x..cause it could scar and mess up your life forever...and you might even get STD

  25. wait until you're married.

    if you're one of those people that think that's ridiculous, then to answer your question, 14 or 15 is way too young. i think premarital s*x is stupid because when you look back on it, are you glad you did it? and i especially think you would be doing it for the wrong reasons. it sounds like you're just considering it because your friends have. don't give in to peer pressure.

  26. idk im 13 i would only do it if i was with someone i new wld help if you accidently nock her up you have to take the responsiblitys  

  27. If you are unprepared to deal with the consequences of s*x ie. Being able to support a child you shouldn't have s*x.

  28. Thats a big choice so make sure your ready dont do it jus cause your girlfriend ur virginty is a big thing is something u can never get back no matter how much money u have are what u do i lost mines a 13 i regret it cause i shuld have waited till i wanted to it with the right person im not a ****** saint im jus a normal person 15years olld and us tellin u my opion

  29. If you can't deal with the reality that a risk of having a child to support, or getting an STD from s*x, you shouldn't do it.

    It all comes down to what you're comfortable with, and not what everyone else is doing.

  30. Whatever your decision is, make sure it's safe s*x. And personally, I wouldn't ask a really intimate and private question like this over the internet - because in the end, it really is you and your girlfriend's decision that weighs it all down.

  31. I agree with Mrs. Edward Cullen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... but if you want an age i would say 17 or 18  

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