
s*x is lame for me, I spend the whole time fighting ejaculation, help plz?

by  |  earlier

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Ok problem is pretty much 10 seconds into s*x I feel like i cud blow my load any second, and spend the whole time fighting it back instead of enjoying myself. I try the stop start method but as soon as i start again im fighting the premature urge again, i've even tried to think of un-s**y stuff! any ideas i can prevent this problem?




  1. I don't think there is a whole lot you can do , if you are a preemie.

    But, my suggestion is that, you make sure to get her off first, manually and orally....if she is satisfied before you start..That may take some pressure off of you and allow you to relax...Knowing that she has already been satisfied..

  2. I say totally turn this into a GREAT foreplay experience for both of you.

    One I would say.. play a bit and have her get you off (obviously talk to her way before not durring)

    Then let the fun really begin. Don't do the tired thing. That's when you really get into her and some awesome foreplay which should excite you again.... She can join right back into that (depending on how you recover :-)

    And just have fun with ! If your mature enought o be having s*x then you should be able to talk to your girl and be creative. I know I would be fine with it because I know I am just going to get MORE !! Yay me !

    Now if with someone "else" shame on you :-) ..... excuse yourself to the bathroom for a few minutes and take care of that straight away.

    Don't feel bad.. plenty of guys are like that.

    At least your enjoying it :-)

  3. if you are old enough to getinto a s*x shop buy a c**k ring and you can also do keagle exercises. read more about it on

  4. Then just let it go! Go ahead and ejaculate! There is nothing stopping you from going again!

    So what if the first one went quick? If you can get it up and go again, you are sure to last longer, even more so if you go for a third or fourth!

    Over time you will learn control.

    To many guys out there convince themselves that after they ejaculate they're done! Nothing could be further from the truth! You have to get out of that "one hit wonder" mind set. Sure, you may need several minutes to an hour to "recover" between each coupling, but you should be able to "get it up" again and go at least three times in an evening!

    Just make sure that you please your partner along the way, whether that means you stimulate her with your hands, your mouth OR your p***s! And if you can get it up and go (say) three times, she probably won't care that the first one went fast!

  5. thats really quick man but one question i how long have u been having s*x if not that long u dont really have control but who knows

  6. Talk to your partner. Maybe if you do a solo 30 minutes before, you will last longer? Or spend more time on her doing other things first so she is happy and then give yourself the ten second rocket ride :-)

  7. Try a p***s ring.

  8. ok first you may have prostate cancer so you msy want to check if you don't just logon to youtube and look it up how to do or go see a doctor for more information. you may also have some called premature ejaculation, you can google that to find more information about this and if you don't know whats worng via trying to do the things above a reccomend going to your local GP / doctor and tell them whats happening it may be a little thing but sometimes it can be life treating.

    thank you

    peace out

  9. just think of her eww

  10. Next time try some weed while doing it. That will help immensely.

  11. change your thoughts when you get near that point, think about kissing your grandmother and she slips you the tounge. That should work

  12. My bf used to have this problem. He slowly went from being 10secs to 15mins which was a big improvement. Firstly its about position, make sure your in the least pleasurable sexual position but its still satisfying to your woman, then make sure your mindset is set on not getting there but on enjoying it, my bf tried this set of moves that wasn't stop and start but more of a slow,slow then thrust, and repeated it. I thought it was strange at didn't know how it would work but apparently it did. I would encourage making sure that your woman is satisfied first just to make sure. Good luck! I hope it helps... you'll have nothing to lose by trying. :) Happy s*x life!

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