
s*x on the weekends and once during the week enough?

by  |  earlier

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Due to mine and my husband's busy scheduals we usually can only have s*x Friday through Sunday, and then once during the week on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday depending.

Will this be enough to conceive?

I'm taking Evening Primrose Oil to increase the amount of cervical mucus I have per month.




  1. its not about how much s*x u have its all about having it around the right time....around ovulation...

  2. 2-3 times a week, or every other day or two is best. It can still take up to two years though. GOOD LUCK!!! Hope the best for you!

  3. You have to get the timing right. The amount doesn't matter. You have to have s*x a few days before ovulation and then on the day you ovulate.  

  4. I was told by a fertility specialist doctor that as long as you have s*x three times a week there is no way possible you will miss your most fertile days. So just make sure it's three times a week and you will be fine. Good luck!

  5. The key is to be having s*x when you're ovulating-or a few days before since sperm can live inside of you for 3-5 days.  

  6. conception all depends on when you ovulate. when you track down your ovulation date you can just have s*x two times a month and successfully get pregnant. i would go for 3 and 1 day before ovulation is supposed to occur. so the key is knowing when you will ovulate.

  7. Once is all you need. Conception is not a job. Too much stress thinking, planning puts a real stress on conceiving. I'd suggest to let nature take its course. You will get pregnant someday, only time will tell.Enjoy each other with nothing else on your mind and you may get lucky.And if you do...welcome to motherhood.

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