
s*x problem with husband?

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My husband and i have been married 14 yrs...In the last 2 months he has been wanting s*x EVERY single day and dont get me wrong i love s*x but every day is getting a bit to much...He threatens if i dont keep doing it with him everyday he will go elsewhere....I love him so much but i'm getting so sick of this I'm getting ready to leave...He said as his wife its my job to do this.......He is 41 and im 38




  1. tell him he can go else where but then he can never come back to you and you will then go else where. and be firm about it.

  2. First off, any man that says he is going to get it elsewhere if you don't give it to him 7 days a week - let him do it.  He is not going to.  How can you even get aroused and be into it if he talks to you that way.  He should go from 3/4 to 0.  My goodness, there are nights that my husband is beat and that is what i own toys

    Why can't he m********e?  If you are not in the mood, he needs to respect that.

    I can see if you were not being intimate for weeks at a time, then he has a point - from what you are saying he is dead wrong.

    Oh and self centered.

  3. tell him this is your marriage also and he will have to compromise with you or you will leave and if he goes somewhere else to get what he "needs" than you will leave.  

  4. i would say to get the h**l out of there, its not real love if he does not understand that you are tired and that you are sick of having s*x every night, and if he does not listen to you and you are getting fed up then you need to save up some money and walk out, just tell him that he is a s*x crazed freak:) good luck:) i hope that i helped:)

  5. Wow.  I can't imagine not having s*x at least once a day.  My wife would go crazy without s*x.  You must have a low s*x drive.  Or maybe after we get older like your age it will be less.

    But if you got kids you shouldn't leave him.  And if you love him you shouldn't leave him either.  Maybe you will have to call his bluff about his going elsewhere to get s*x.  It sounds to me like he's using that threat to coerce you.  

    As for it being your duty...this is debatable.  I don't feel like it's my wifes "duty" to have s*x.  But I want to please her and she wants to please me, and we seem to do ok with it that way.  I would be very disappointed if she said she didn't want to have s*x everyday, but I could work with it.  They make this thing called a "fleshlight".  Tell your husband to google it.

  6. If he forces you, then it's rape. It doesn't matter if you are married or not.  

    If he threatens to leave, then I would let him. Do you really want someone who will leave you because you are too tired taking care of his kids to have s*x.  

  7. What about giving him oral?

  8. When we don't want s*x there is something wrong with us. When we do want s*x there is something wrong with us. Be glad he is still wanting it from you after 14 years.

  9. He's wrong

  10. In case you hadn't realized it, I feel compelled to point out that threatening to "go elsewhere" for s*x if you don't give it up is insulting and disrespectful in the extreme.  Even if it's not true, it's still a wrong thing for any married person ever to say.  

    In the future, I recommend a more assertive response.  Say something along the lines of, "If you do get it elsewhere, I will see you in divorce court, and it will be the most expensive f**k you have ever had in your life, so you'd better enjoy it."

  11. when his equipment stops working because of his age, you'll be wishing you had s*x every day like he suggested.

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