
s*x with Ex? All opinions appreciated by the ladies and the guys!!?

by  |  earlier

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Hey Guys,

I need some help. Last weekend my ex and i had a few drinks and ended up having s*x, we have been split up for over a year now, Even though that time has past, ive never stopped loving him. What I'm confused about is... Do you think he slept with me cause i was easy to get or do you think he still has feelings for me? We're the greatest of friends, we respect each other greatly! And for this to happen out of the blue, its brought back all the emotion and love that i have for him thats so dear to me!!

So has anyone ever been in this situation? If so how did you feel afterward? Did things change for the better or for worse??

Like i said earlier all answers are appreciated heaps..





  1. Depends on what happened on the date before you slept together again.  Could be any of the above.  You both sleep together because you both wanted to.  Why did you break up?  It'll probably be the same thing if you get back together.

  2. it was just an esy lay for him, an ex is an ex for a reason

  3. i depends why you split in the first place. as you said you still love him may he too still loves you , keep in touch with him as see what is next

  4. Is just s*x.... You say cause you were easy, sounds like he was easy too. Why not be friends that *&^k, if you both enjoy it. Think about why you broke up in the first place and whether anything has changed?

  5. I think that he is still in love with you, unless he treated like a w***e. if he took his time and actually made love to you then he still loves you. You confront him and tell him how you feel about the situation and that you want to be together forever and get married.

  6. It's just the s*x, he's happy being free

  7. If you are officially NOT seeing each other, it may be wrong for you to rekindle those feelings without an assurance from your Ex that they would be reciprocated. This could hurt you in the long run.

    If you 2 are seeing others as of now, you could be risking that relationship. So, please tread carefully.

    I dont think s*x and friendship really affect each other a lot. I am a liberal when it comes to s*x and would rather have s*x with a friend than with a complete stranger.

    It is the feelings part that I dont like

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