
s*x with a virgin?

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Okay my boyfriend is a virgin and is planning to be until he think he has found the right girl and he's in deep love with her. He strongly believes that I'm "the one"...

Basically, I want to know how I could make his first time memorable, romantic, and just the best it can be. I don't want it to be weird and unromantic like my first time was.

We are only 16 so it's not like we can get a hotel or anything like that...

Help, advice, and any ideas are appreciated, thanks!

Also, I didn't put this in the singles and dating section because people never answer your questions there.




  1. definitely a bj

  2. You know a million and one people are going to come post "OMG you are 16, don't have s*x!!" when the truth is they were whoring it up at 14.  haha :)

    I don't really know how to make it all special and snazzy like you always remember seeing it in the movies. I suppose because it never ends up like that. Someone always says or does something weird and awkward and you just have to hope you like one another enough to get over it. lol

    He will always remember his first time so don't worry about that. It's been years and years for me and I still remember it. (And I'm a girl, usually it's a much bigger deal for guys.)

    I definitely advise you make sure you can get the house to yourself for some certain period of time. If this means you have to wait longer, it's worth not having to worry about your parents busting in. He'll be nervous enough without that. Just try to be the loving, nice girl you already are and be understanding. He obviously thinks highly of you so take this as a compliment and have fun.

    Good luck! <3

    PS: It should go without saying but make sure it's safe. Otherwise, he could remember you for all the wrong reasons.

  3. I think if you both sure your ready.

    1) Buy some protection. Get some condoms or if you want to then go on the pill. The most unromantic thing is unwanted pregnancy so show him youve thought about protection.

    2) Set the mood, maybe some nice music, draw the curtains. Make sure everything is right and everyone is out.

    3) Chill out and take things at his pace, if he changes his mind ect then dont worry.

    4) Let him go at his own pace and afterwards spent plenty of time cuddling and maybe take a bath together or something like that.

  4. Firstly, create the right mood. Candles, scent, soft music, soft sheets...all of these things set a beautifully romantic mood and will provide the frame and background for the picture you're about to paint.

    Next, try to make things unique. Don't be boring, be imaginative-do things that you know not everybody does. You can do this in your foreplay, the words you choose, your touch, or pretty much anything. Spend some time thinking about it.

    Also, make sure you do everything you can to make things fun and comfortable. You've had experience-what did you not like? What DID you like? What did you crave or want at the time? Take these things into account, and try to diminish any chances of negatives occurring, and bring out the positives strongly. Try to give what he asks for, but also show him your own tastes.

    Try to be as romantic as possible. Some teenagers simply make out and then do it in their car in the middle of an empty parking lot. Try to pace things out so he has time to remember every word, every touch, every feeling...and make the experience as positive and amazing as you can.

    Best of luck, hope you have a good time...

  5. guys dont care about that stuff. it might scare him...just be good in bed and he WILL remember and compair everyother girl to you =]

  6. hahaha at your first time. its kinda funny. but i guess you just have to be in the mood and be romantic. i dont really know.

  7. If it's 1st time you don't have to worry about it being memorable, it will be. Just do everything with him and do it two or three times. he will always love you for showing him the way.

  8. thats NUTS my first time was on a bathroom floor too!!
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