
Sexiest women on earth????

by Guest21515  |  earlier

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Sexiest women on earth????




  1. Me. I'm s**y. Why do ya ask?

  2. scarlett johansson

  3. I agree with Molly

  4. Salma Hayek

  5. It really depends... do you take into consideration the persons insides or only looks? Either way I would cover them all. So I guess the answer would have to be ME!!! But I am taken, sorry!!! LOL!!!

  6. Hands down: Italian ladies from Italy. Somehow, when they are not born and raised in this most glorious place on earth, they tend to lack this irresistible perfection and look just like the rest of us: simply ordinary... Mind you: it is my personal opinion, and as such I stand by it.

  7. Blue eyes with brown or black hair and white or tan skin...mmm.

  8. me! of course!

  9. Black, Persian, and Latinas.

  10. <<<<<<<<==========

  11. You called?

  12. dark hair, green eyes, white skin.....yum

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