
Sexism at a young age?

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I'm curious how everyone feels about the Jim Benton (happy bunny) type stickers / magnets / shirts / etc. for little girls. The ones that say things like "I love boys, they're stupid" or "boys lie and kind of stink".

Do you think this would be acceptable if it were reversed and it said that girls are stupid.

Do you think it teaches sexism to these little girls?




  1. I think it teaches them life lessons at a young age!

  2. well yes its sexist, but its so minor men dont care. on the other hand if it was reversed i bet yould hear complaints.

  3. I think the truth hurts............

  4. I've never seen these but I hate the idea.  I certainly wouldn't encourage their purchase or use.

  5. I think it's just for fun and people shouldn't take it seriously. I mean in the 80's they were like " Girls Rule Boys Drool."


  6. It's a delicate subject, because it's important we teach our girls to be empowered.  I don't think the stickers necessarily make women hate men or discriminate against men, because we are naturally drawn to them and have an innate need to take care of them which can cause us to be taken advantage of.  We're so emotionally sensitive we often fall prey to the logic and rationale of men.  The stickers are sort of a joke, because we can say we hate boys until we're blue in the face, but in the end we dream of marrying them and having their babies.

  7. girls arent stupiid thats all i have to say look at rosa parks mother teresa or helen keller or the rest of womens on earth do you know without women our generations couldnt continue

  8. I think they are only facetious statements. I have also seen ' Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them'...I do not ever take it seriously!

  9. I think they are just snotty little stickers that no one takes so seriously.

  10. I think you might be onto something there!  :-)

  11. Its sexist. And it says a lot about the parents and their mentality.

    I really doubt feminist would say that is just a joke if it where the other way around.

    Teaching children to degrade the other gender at young age. Shame on them!

  12. I feel very strongly that the playboy bunny problem is a load of rubbish. I don't know any kids that realise that it's actually the playboy bunny symbol which is associated with the p**n mags.

    But as to the other things, there have always been these kinds of things for both gender 'girls have cooties' etc. There coems an age at school when girls and boys seem to divide, maybe this is reinforced by the parents so they don't get boyfriends and girlfriends!?

  13. Feminism has has its putrid hand in almost every area of our society now. Their vile and hateful rhetoric is causing more people to think its okay to degrade little boys and grown men. The lie that, "Its just a joke, get over it", is a load of c**p. Its simply a way to begin to "gently" indoctrinate thousands of little girls to be feminists! My daughter WILL NEVER come into my house with garbage like that on!!

  14. these are stupid t shirts that are just a fad, if parents allow they're children to wear them , than you can read the morals on their family.

  15. I think it just has to do with the whole cooties thing and we can't stop that.  By the way they do have the reverse ones for boys already so at least its equal.

    As for teaching sexism I don't think so; I think people do that for the kids.  As soon as hormones kick in they kick out the cooties.

    I think it is stupid to say that a girl wearing one of the happy bunny shirts is like a man saying nice ***.  If Happy Bunny was sexist it would not be like sexual harassment.

    Not all of the Happy Bunny designs even mention boys or girls. Like "Its cute how stupid you are", "Its all about me deal with it",  "Cute but kinda evil", or my fav "I'll be nicer when you are smarter".

    Oh and for those who insist that a feminist would be in an uproar over one aimed at girls... Funny I don't care about the guy whose screen name is "Boys rule, Girls Drool" and I don't care if a little boy wears one.  Its funny how must want to go back to a more traditional ways but all of a sudden people want to change the long running cootie epidemic.  I think this should be last on our list of things to change.

    By the way he also has an Anti-Drug campaign the horrible sexist man... The creator of Happy Bunny is Jim Benton and he has won several awards for his work.

  16. I really dont like those..always so wont buy them for my daughter.

    I have seen tee that say "girls stink" kinda thing for boys

  17. I think they are just snotty little stickers that no one takes so seriously  becasue little girlies wear it.

    But it is the grownups who produce it and buy it and allow their children to wear it.  The matter is serious.  Someone in America file a suit against the makers and get another law passed against adults wearing these kind of stuff.

  18. no cuz at school every little girl knows about "cooties" or watever so it's not as bad sa what they are learning from the children at school

  19. It's nothing their mom's ,sisters and teachers are not already teaching them.

  20. no little girls thin these things on their own  

    im sure youve heard a little girl proclaim the little rhymes boys go to jupiter to get stupider girls go to college to get more knowledge

    and they do make shirts for boys along those lines like girls stink or have cooties yadda yadda

    i personally dont see a problem with it but its all up to the parents and how they want their kids ot dress

    i mean its better then soem of the other clothes for younger girls.... like S****y clothes for 9 year olds

  21. I wouldn't say sexism. They are lame I agree, but it doesn't make girls hate boys...

  22. Of COURSE its sexism.  Women who rationalize it as ok are just as guilty of sexism as if some guy walked by and said NICE ***.

    Teaching children that one gender is superior is just plain poor education, and you are setting them up for later life issues as they have to interact with the other gender.

    Why not just teach children that both genders are great?

  23. Even if there was no Happy Bunny, which I think is humorous and harmless, there would still be bitter parents and siblings that rub off on their child/sibling. Kids are sponges in general, and I think the way they were raised by their parents is the major reason they are the way they are. Not little phrases on stickers and such.

  24. Kinda if you think about it ya.

  25. It's sexism in the most immature, innocuous manner possible.

  26. I think it does, little girls don't look right wearing things like this.  I feel the same about high school girls wearing things that say "Juicy" on the back of their short shorts.  Talk about sending a message...

  27. I agree with you wholeheartedly.  We would never, and should never, tolerate treating little impressionable girls in such a fashion. Although just a sticker or shirt, anyone can absorb negative lasting affects from being bombarded with such messages.

    But traditionally society took the position that young boys could, or should, take such onslaughts, otherwise he would be considered "acting like a girl".

  28. I have sons and a daughter.  I find the notion of these phrases to be disgusting, and would not allow any of my children to wear something that degrades or devalues anyone.
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