
Sexism...real, yes?

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For all of you who truly believe that women are equal to men these days and that catcalling is a compliment, read the article about the teen girl.




  1. I think there's sexism for both men and women.

    But woman complain about it more.

  2. sexism ? drug abuse more like, those guys might have carried on to hospitalize some random guy.

    just how exactly are we supposed to stop incidents like that happening for you guys?

    my cousin has had lumps torn out of him by screaming women, he has the scars to prove it.

    do we publish that as evidence of a great female conspiracy?

    we are already the most over privileged people in history, what sort of padded utopia would you need to live in to be happy?

  3. I agree with the article especially this part "violence against women is absolutely connected to the fact that men are brought up to think that they have the "right" to talk to and approach women out of nowhere. When our bodies are considered perpetually accessible to men, violence is bound to follow."  I see a lot of men in this section that I consider great men wanting equality for all; but they seem to be drowned out by the men in this section trying to prove that just by having balls mean their superior.  If that were true there would be a lot more real men here instead of this horrible little boys.

  4. wow. sadly enough that kind of stuff happens way too often. men who disagree are in denile. women who disagree have been living under a rock. go ahead, give a thumbs down, i know u will (=

  5. Seems like it's not just those mysterious and remote 'middle eastern countries' where being a non-compliant woman can be a death sentence.

    Makes a mockery of those calls for feminists to 'admit' it's all been achieved in the west and move on, imo.

    But I'm guessing the neanderthals won't see it that way. It's interesting to note the level of animosity this question is attracting.

    Wonder why it's not OK to point at this event and name it for what it is?

    Why is feminism needed? Why indeed.


  6. Feministing is a great resource. I don't agree with absolutely everything they say (specifically, their opinion of the cause of the wage gap), but most of their content is really eye-opening for people who believe that sexism is now some kind of myth.

    PROUD STEPFORD WIFE: How do you know that they don't stay home with them already? And can't sexism exist in isolated instances?

  7. well it is a compliment? i dont see how it cant be(unless its for some bad reason like they look like a hooker)?. that situation is just insane however(and people think guns are a good thing!!!!!) and please send me the story you told stepford wife wtf. btw that site is definatly biased but ive seen far worse, also give me some other examples of how women arent equal(honest intrest) just email me the stuff via my profile.

  8. Maybe if their feminist mothers would actually stay home instead of sending them to daycare and teach them how to treat a woman then there wouldn't be this problem.

    From my husband: "This is totally an isolated incident. Just because they did this to women doesn't mean that all men think this way."

    I don't get how someone can turn something like this as anti-women?

  9. You will not believe this, but it is true: you are equal under law, and probably better protected than any man.

    I find this situation tragic, but I also consider it to be a symptom of the old style, hick culture that still pervades the American south.  Because the mothers are as bad as the men, you could easily and reasonably ask why their mothers did not teach their sons some respect for others.

    This situation is not exactly sexism, though i have found it to be more prevalent in the south, it is about a bunch of moronic thugs picking on a weaker target.  The target could actually have been male if they teased him and he responede to them.

    You will not like my answer, but there it is.  I have seen all sorts of people get victimised in situations like this, it is not unique to women.  In fact, men are more likely to be victims of this sort of violence.

    Your website link is quite reasonable as far as feminist websites go, though I do disagree that "The treatment of women is "the single biggest problem we have politically and socially in the world" as is clearle posted recently on that site.  There are bigger issues.

    The situation Max describes is a bigger issue, though the one you mention is tragic, because it shows the double standard in society.  The woman was the aggressor, yet the man was arrested and the woman was not punished.

    My ex-wife was a basher (2 cracked ribs, a skull fracture and a broken ulna in ONE attack on me because I came home late from work)  so I personally find it hard to sympathise sometimes with the victim mentality of many women.  I got out, pressed charges (though the cops had a real go at me) and eventually she was convicted on a number of charges, and I worked hard to ruin the careers of two female officers who victimised me.  They trained her in how to look like the victim and manipulate the system.  I had to record conversations to be taken seriously, and even then was threatened with invasion of privacy because it was supposed to be a private conversation (in my own home)

    I would do the same to any male officer.  There is little support for abused men, men's groups for this purpose are marginalised and unfunded and labelled as breeding grounds of misogynist hatred.

  10. that is truly sad...

    and yes, i think it shows that there are pockets of sexism alive and well.  i can't believe you guys would make light of this...


    Now look at this video!  A woman beats a HELPLESS HOMELESS MAN.  This man doesn't hit back.  Bystanders see and do nothing.  Read some of the comments, too.  The guy who shot the video stated this in the comments:  

    "They arrested the guy at first, but then the[y] came in the office and I burned them copies of the video on a dvd so I think they let him go. I don't think anything happened to the girl."

    The authorities automatically assumed the victim was the aggressor simply because he's male.  Presumably, the woman was never charged with assault even after they saw the video and discerned that she initiated the attack.

    Wanna talk sexism.  Here it goes:  [1]  It's a safe bet to acknowledge that if the genders were reversed and the bystanders in this video had seen the man beating the woman, they would have come to her aid immediately and stopped the man from attacking her.  [2]  If the man in this video had been caught attacking the woman, HE would have gone to jail, not her.  [3]  If the police assumed a woman attacked a man and then learned by some new evidence that the man was the one who actually attacked the woman, he would have been arrested not simply let off the hook like this woman was.  

    My questions:  Why didn't the bystanders step in and stop the attack?  Why did the police arrest the man when HE WAS THE ONE WHO WAS ATTACKED?  Why didn't the police arrest the woman when they viewed the video footage and learned she attacked this man?  Seems like double-standard sexism to me, the sexist double-standard that states that it's okay for a woman to assault a man but never okay for a man to do it even in instances of self-defense.

    Both women AND MEN are victims of sexism.  It does you no good to try to make it seem like women are the only ones who suffer from it.


    Julie, it seems you've missed the whole point of my post.  My post is not about a homeless man being assaulted by a female; it's about the sexist manner in which this incident was handled.  My purpose for ellaborating on it was to show you, via example, that sexism against men DOES exist.  Considering this, sexism SHOULD NOT be regarded as an act of injustice that only plagues women.  Men are not immune to sexism; many are victims of sexism, too

    In this instance that I referred to, the sexist attitude toward this man was shown, not by the attacking female, but by those who witnessed it and the officers involved in handling the case.  Like I stated earlier in this post, the bystanders did nothing when they saw the man being assaulted by the female perpetrator.  They should have intervened when they saw her attacking him, but they didn't.  I suspect they didn't because it was a female attacking a male.  If the genders were reversed, there would have been a different reaction from the bystanders, and you know it.  Everyone would have been jumping to the woman's defense if the man in the video I linked had been beating her.  According the person who shot the video, when the police finally arrived at the scene they arrested THE MAN WHO WAS ATTACKED, not the woman who did the beating!  When they learned that the woman was responsible for the attack, they did nothing punish her.

    Are there males who commit these crimes against the homeless?  Of course!  There's no denying that.  However, a male who commits such a crime is charged and arrested, NOT his victim!  Sadly, if a female attacks a homeless man, the homeless man ends up in prison while his attacker goes free because she happens to be a female.  In many cases in which a female attacks a man, the man is arrested even if the woman is the one doing the attacking.  This is not an isolated occurrence.

    Please reconsider the last three paragraphs I wrote in my original post regarding this issue.  If you still do not see how sexism was involved in the handling of this matter, then it is not because you cannot see it; it is that you REFUSE to see it because it threatens your despicable agenda to make females appear to be the only victims of sexism.

  12. Women in modern society have rights and special privileges that men don't even have.    What sexism are you talking about again?

  13. Whether sexism exists in our country or not, this article doesn't prove it. All it proves is that some people are f*cking stupid.

  14. ya that is bad what happened and i for one don't cat call and don't find it to be a good thing to do. usually guys who do that are in-fact looking for trouble as with the ones in that car. i personally do not thank that it was random in that catcalling was the first and foremost thing on there minds, i thank that they was carousing to find a victim and found some. another words some one was going to get hurt that night no mater what, no mater who and no mater were. those boys was out to do harm.

    ok i hate idiots lol now i agree with you heheheeh. and you don't have to believe me if you don't want to.

    dsds lol jeep hu hehehe that thing going to cost you hehehe jeep has its own parts and they charge for them lol.
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