
Sexist Joke: Whats that thing attached to the end of a vacuum cleaner called?

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  1. A male feminist?

  2. I know the answer, but I'd rather not say it.

  3. A vacuum pump.

  4. hmmmm? i don't know.

    tell me.

  5. She usually calls me either slaveboy or b! tch

    And a humble hello to You, Sessy.

  6. I don't know, a vaginal brush.

  7. A blow up doll.

    (Subguy hey whats up! Long time no see on yahoo.)

  8. Just give us the d**n answer already.. kthxbai

  9. It's probably called a male plug. (Because the part that connects sticks out as opposed to a plug that receives the plug. It was an amusing moment in a computer class when the professor (without his glasses) wasn't able to hook up the connectons for a couple of pieces of equipment. Finally one of the students went to the front of the class to help him, laughed, and then said, "You've got two females."

  10. a woman.

  11. The brush?

    hahahahaha yea that makes sense (therein lies the sexism)

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