
Sexist? Wolf Blitzer, CNN, just introduced a panel discussion to "help" Hillary develop concession speech.

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I cannot imagine this kind of condensation from Wolf regarding any other presidential candidate. It made my skin crawl - one more time. Please comment.




  1. Although it has been kinda unfair to Hilary because the media has been pretty hard on her, look at Obama for a change. He's in a different scandal every other week. And by the way for Hilary to have not have conceded after she rightfully lost the campaign was a big a***e move. She is basically saying she cares more for herself than the democratic party. So yes Hilary did get a rough job from the media, but so did Obama. Every time I turn on the TV its oh another member of his church said this and this blah blah blah. Obama won, plain and simple, Hilary lost. She should have had the respect to concede with dignity but she didn't.

  2. You mean 'condescension', don't you?

    Wolf Blitzer and his 'Best political team on television' is a joke.

    They effectively buried her with their biased reporting, and now they dare to 'advise' her?

    Cafferty is the worst old 'sourpuss' on TV.

    Doesn't he like ANYTHING?

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