
Sexist media has oppressed women for centuries worldwide. What makes u think they'd change this year?

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Sexist media has oppressed women for centuries worldwide. What makes u think they'd change this year?




  1. Centuries? What kind of media are you talking about? Radio? TV? They are not so old. All that you want is an excuse to complain...

  2. Last I checked... no women in the media have guns to their heads MAKING them do anything.

    Lets not play the blame game. If a woman dresses like a hooker, she is oppressing herself.

  3. Ummm... because this century most people have been taught to read and write?

    Just a guess.

  4. What on earth are you talking about?

  5. Want to here a joke?

    Woman's Rights

  6. Why couldn't Helen Keller drive a car?

    Because she was a woman.

  7. One thing I've noticed is that in most movies, if a p***s shows, it either has to be really quick, or is considered something worse than rated R. If it shows b*****s or v****a, it can be R and not be that bad.

    Seems like the media has made is a normal thing to see a naked woman, but not really a naked man.

  8. I think its funny how all the questions regarding sexism get asked 3-5 times.

  9. I didn't think the media would change this year-I expected they'd treat Hillary and Pelosi like crud and give Laura Bush and a free ride; plus they're also treating both Obamas like crud while giving the McCains a free ride.

  10. Wait. So now it's the "media" who have oppressed women? LOL

  11. Take a look at the bigger picture. Men also get opressed in the media if not more so than women. It goes both ways, so you only want to resolve one side of the story. It won't happen. I didn't know the media has been around for centuries..

  12. cant even get them to stop playing reality TV shows.  

    I'm not hopeful for this year or the next national IQ level is still to low.

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