REPOST from another YA:
"I believe discrimination is discrimination irrespective of whether it is done by white men, white women, minority men or minority women.
Don't you just want to hit sexist minorities and racist women over the head with something? They say that if your gender or race is subject to sexism or racism, then you are very unlikely to make sexist and racist comments to someone else because you have first hand knowledge of what discrimation feels like.
Now some people will argue that not all women are victims of sexism and not all minorities are victims of racism, but that is not the point; the point is we still live in a very sexist and racist society - Just look at YouTube for gruesome evidence of what lurks in the dark depths of people's souls. We may not be outwardly racist or sexist(Although you could argue that sexism is more accepted by society), but these ugly diseases are still very prominent in society and they are conveyed in subtle ways."