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I'm not pregnant with 1 baby or 6, but between watching Jon and Kate Plus 8 and OMG Sextuplets, I was wondering what you would do if you found out right now that you (or your wife) was pregnant with sextuplets. Just a thinking question.




  1. God does not bless people with sextuplets, science does. The chances of having sextuplets without medical intervention is rare. That is a litter. It is not safe for the mother or the babies. Each of those childrens chance of survival are limited. And if they do survive they will be VERY prem and will have developmental problems. The human body was not meant to cary six babies. I know the doctors would encourage the termination of 3 of them (which is devastating) but would be needed for the remaining 3 to have a safe chance at survival. IVF in Australia limits it to 2 embryos being put back for this reason. They are trying to make it only one embryo.

    I think it is very sad as these people and babies are in for a lot of medical intervention for the next decade at least. Often in the large pregnancies one or more of the babies dies. I remember one case where the woman wouldn't terminate any and they all died.

    Pregnany with six is not a position I would like to be in.

  2. Well, I'm g*y so I don't have to worry about myself or my husband becoming pregnant (whew!) with one, let alone with six! I would love to be a daddy and I wouldn't be mad that I'd be having six, I'd be excited! However, I would feel VERY overwhelmed...

  3. oh wow I would be so overwhelmed!! I would be worried about how i could possibly afford to raise them and if they would all be able to lead a decent life. But i am pretty sure i would be happy over all.

  4. I would freak out seriously and probably pass out. I would worry about how I could afford all of them and wonder if I could even manage to take care of all of them.....I would love them no matter what and never get rid of them but dang I would be freaking out........I love that show jon and kate its great. I have no idea how they do it

  5. God Bless you, Miss!  I have twins and they are driving me insane.  Some days, I can't even think!  I don't know how those reality show families maintain their sanity.  To answer your question, when I found out I had two babies, I couldn't speak, I blacked out for about 60 seconds, so to find out that I had 6 babies...I probably would have to go to a mental hospital.

  6. I would shoot myself

  7. I would be very over-whelmed but I would get over it and love it in the end.

  8. We would be wildly surprised but happy to have been blessed with such a miracle. And then scared and worried about how we could afford to raise them all! But god provides and we would find a way.Reduction is not an option!

  9. Well of course I can't get pregnant because hubby is fixed, but since we are doing a "what if". I think I might pull out my hair-haha.

  10. That would mean I would have 15 kids. No way. No way. If that happened, I would say "kill me now." ;)


  11. my siblings are sextuplets, my parents thaught it would b a great experience, but were very very worried! they thaught about reduction but couldnt go threw with it.

  12. Can you guess what the relatives would be getting for Christmas? I'll give you a's not a puppy!!!

  13. i would love every minute of it
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