
Sexual Question... please help!?

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I'm just wondering...

My boyfriend and I are virgins. We've never been with anyone else. So.. if I give my boyfriend oral s*x, can I still contract some sort of serious disease? Even if we haven't been with others? Thanks in advance.




  1. no you cant..... unless you have coldsores, in which you could give him genital herpes but i you don t get them, then no worries!

  2. No, you cant get what neither of you has to pass on.

    Do know that if this is the first time for both of you that his thing is loaded and can go off in your mouth.  This is rough for some gals to take at first.  Just be careful.

  3. most likely no but you can get sores around your mouth. if you do give him oral then still use a condom

  4. usually no . if you know for a fact that he is not having s*x, or if some one else isnt giving him oral s*x as well , because some one can give oral s*x on an infected person and then turn around and do oral s*x on some one else and spread the disease, its a risky thing those diseases!! but i would think you are ok if you know for sure that you both do not have stds , always get regular check ups once you start engaging in sexual activities, in rare cases he could have or have had an std due to it being spread from mother to child during birth , that does happen also , but im sure that isnt even his case at all. but there is also protection for oral s*x. maybe think about trying those just to stay safe.

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