
Sexual abuse question?

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What may happen to a rescently sexually abused 14 year old girl who has turned right around and molested two 6 year olds? Does she go to Juvie? Does it go on her record? What are the things that could happen to her?




  1. She would most likely still go before a judge and be put in a special home where she will recieve councling while she is there in hopes that she would learn what she did was wrong and what was done to her was wrong.  Most molestors were molested.

  2. The court will say that the girl is Not Guilty Reason By Insanity and she would be put in a mental hospital until she is better.

  3. question for  lawyer

  4. Her "recent abuse" is no excuse for molesting two BABIES. Unless she grew up in a cage, 14 is over the age of accountability. She knew right from wrong. And she knew what she was doing. You might as well accept the fact that she actually enjoyed what she was doing, or she wouldn't have done it.

    Depending on the depravity of the crimes, she could actually be tried as an adult. Or be tried as a juvenile, in which case her record would be clean once she turned 18.

  5. She's been sexually abused. This girl will face some punishments, but not as severe as a regular 14 year old would face, if she faces any at all. The guy that sexually abused that girl in the first place is to blame. If she's been sexually abused, its easier for her to sexually abuse someone. But a judge would go easy on her.

  6. why? is this you or your friend? but, lots of counciling, and most molestors, were molested!
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