
Sexual assault question - what dio I do in this situation?

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Hey ladies

I'm not an off duty officer but even if I was... in the city tonight I was walking down a street and seen a woman get her *** groped by a stranger. She told him where to go... (exchange of verbal insults then walked away) now what is the punishment for this guy who sexually assaulted this woman?

What should I of done? should I let it go if the woman is unwilling to press charges?

If I was an off duty officer do I have the right to grab the guy and ram him into a wall and then dial 911?

Let me know your thoughts... this is a common behavior on saturday nights within urban areas (drunken behavior)

Would the ladies mind if I king hit him? or do you prefer to walk away from these situations? I'm sick of people like this getting away with this behavior.




  1. As a woman, I would appreciate it if you said something to the guy, maybe at the same time I confront him or just after. These guys need to know that society as a whole does not appreciate this kind of behavior, so if you wanted to have a few words with him, I would adore you for your gentility. Ideally you could have a few words with him (Hey buddy, where do you get off treating her like that? and then proceed to read him the riot act) and then walk away without physical confrontation.

  2. Hon, us women have been disrespected like this since there have been men like this. It will not kill us. Upsetting, h*ll yes! I know that God sees all.

    Where is a guy like you when I have been treated like that? I have taken self-defense and I am pretty confident to protect myself. Now, I do not have to wimper. But, it seems like men wimp out more than ever when that behavior takes place millions of times a day around the world. There is a great deal of disrespect. I hate any movie that shows a woman getting assaulted and she acts like an idiot or, over-dramatizes and keeps the assault to herself. Hopefully, that woman will take control of herself and do something to help herself and if it ever happens again she will press charges.

  3. Seems like the woman dealt with this ok, actually. Although it may have upset her.

    The thing is - firstly, she might be embarrased by extra attention and you turning the entire situation from a brief encounter she can walk away from into a long lasting fight, arrest, etc etc etc.... Secondly, unpleasant though it is, responding to a group with physical violence is probably out of proportion, and could also get you into a *lot* of trouble (plus - murphey's law. The first time you try the guy will fall, hit his head, die and you'll be done for manslaughter. Can't argue with Murphey's law.). Well, that or it'll turn out to be one of her friends, and they'll both hate you...

    It's different if the guy persists, or the woman (or man, for that matter) is unable to deal with it alone - although violence is still probably not the best solution. If they're coping themselves, don't get especially involved, unless it's to lend verbal support perhaps. And otherwise, just never do it yourself, or let your friends get away with it.

  4. well as you must know it is unlawful to take justice into your own hands, so i recommend you go to the academy and train to become a officer and then you will be able to apprehend the perp. other wise you are playing a citizens arrest game that can be very sketchy.

  5. I have  to agree with J on this issuse.

      Of course if they guy was walking around with his pants off and refused to leave then that is another story.

    PS If both people walked away from the situation I doubt there is very little the police will do about it.

    "Call the police and wait for them. If you can"

    Yeah enjoy your 2 hour wait.

  6. Call the police and let them know the location.  Only intervene if a life or chance of injury is at stake.  You don't want to become another statistic do you?  Let the professionals handle their jobs.

    I've heard of a lot of do gooders in NYC getting hurt because they got physically invovled in fights, etc.  Call the police and wait for them.  If you can.

    Good luck!!

  7. Nothing. He groped her, she told him off in just the right language. Sounds like it was loud enough to be heard by bystanders (since you heard it). Hopefully the embarrassment that must have produced for the groper is a deterrant to repeating such a behavior in the future. You could have said something to the guy as well. Otherwise, there's nothing else to do. You could hit him but you could end up in a physical fight that you end up loosing plus if the cops show up, you could be arrested for physical assault.

  8. don't arrest him just get his thing chopped off!

  9. If everyone in the world that assaulted a woman was punished for it assaults would no longer occur. If it did continue the perpetrators would not be sane people anyways. Yes, definitely injure him because apparently she has no desire or skills to do it herself. And no most women do not WANT to walk away from these situations but we are not as strong as men and therefore do not want to physically fight them and pressing charges would be a hassle. This is one of the many things that happens to MOST women that makes us angry enough to appear as if we hate all men or wear shirts that say "men suck throw stones at them." I assure you for most women this is an event that will haunt them the rest of their lives. Men do not deal with these situations everyday, women do, so it definitely angers us to hear men say that sexism no longer exist and that feminist are trying to take away male rights. What rights, do you mean the right to sexually assault women and continue to get away with it. Then in that case yes, we are trying to take away male rights.

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