Well this a response to a previous question on sexual harassment, and some of the answers went along the lines of “how would you feel to be treated like that?â€Â, “you’re treating the person as a s*x object – dehumanizing them!!â€Â. The simply truth is, as a guy I would like treated like that. Now what I’m getting at is single liners or double entendres, not workplace bullying, groping against another person’s will, false claims of rape or harassment etc…
Exbitit A:
A security at work who knows me well, asks me one day at work asks that I keep all the important documents in the bottom drawer so she can admire my perfectly formed @ss when I bend over to retrieve them.
I’d be happy with this situation, since it’s in a jovial manner, nothing threatening. But I don’t condone it when it’s threatening (i.e. she’s in a position of power and forces you to do it against your will, though when done in a light hearted way it can be fun), or tries to rape you with a strap-on etc…….
Do you agree that there’s a double standard here, or that more women should harass us..... You know…..To make things even?