
Sexual harrasment in cairo egypt... what on earth?????

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read the article from this link on the bbc. i was soooooo gob smacked. im really shocked.. its been in the headlines for egypt for a long tiem and keeps coming up. what is going on with men in egypt? does anyone have an explanation or understanding of this mad, disgusting and haraam behaviour????




  1. This is nothing new to me.

    I lived in Luxor for 2 yrs, & every day i had to put up with this kind of thing, it got to the point that i decided to move home. Every day the same people saw me, & every day they made comments & tried to touch, yet they knew i was married & a respectful person, of good reputation.

    My guess is because i am English, lets face it they think we're all loose women, well some of us are not !

    One example = a boy of about 11, cycling up to me yelling about what he wanted to do to me sexually. 11 yrs old, thats scary.

    Example two = the man who walked up to me & grabbed my breast, in the middle of the street ! I was appalled & so were the ladies dressed in black on the other side of the street, so much so that they ran over & hit the man with their bags.

    Example three = The man who rubbed himself up against me in the supermarket. I'd had enough by then & shouted at him, he ran off.

    This is one of the main reasons i had to leave a country & people that i love, such a shame, but i couldnt live like that.

    NO offence is meant to my friends here & the many lovely people i met on my travels in Egypt.

    @ Sad that it also happens at a time such as Ramadan when people are showing their faith in GOD.  

  2. That whole region is backwards, that's why we need to keep that sh*t out of the west. Women in America don't know how good they have it.

  3. I think the media as well as the girls involved are exaggerating the issue. I'm not denying that there is sexual harassment in Egypt, as there is in any other place in the world.  But if you read what the girls are saying in the bbc article, you'd notice that they were the victims of mo3akasat and their reaction to these mo3akasat augmented the situation till it became ugly (esp. the first girl). We all have heard comments from men while walking in the streets and in my opinion, the most sensible reaction is to walk ahead like a solier completely disregarding these comments instead of making an unecessary scene!

    Again, let me stress, that even mo3akasat aren't nice to go through, but we shouldn't call them "sexual harassment".  That's sthg else.

  4. I wont be so surprise... I visit Egypt a couple of month ago, and even of their believe of conservative according to their religion, at night you see all this young girls in the bridge kissing with the boyfriend or whatever.  For me was a little shocking, cause normally that culture has high standards that woman needs to preserve, but I think they are waking up... LOL.. Anyways is a beautiful country that should be visited.

  5. why is this so shocking?this kinda thing has gone on for far too long....about time this social cancer needs to be cured!there is violence against wemen every 15 minutes on this earth!its just downright sick and wrong!!!!

  6. mens should respect womens as they want to be respect really.tafa7 el keyyel mn 2elt 2adbhom)

  7. these actions are Mu3akasat , teasing , insulting , but not sexual harrassment .

    they are rude , but not as bad as rape which takes place in other countries .

    i stayed in a students' dorm in the US while studying .

    i saw the guards armored , and once a girl's body was discovered after being raped .

    now , Why ?

    rape , sexual harrassment , and Mu3aksaat are acts of hatred , not admiration.

    many men in Egypt are angry bec of lack of opportunities /jobs /means , etc

    they transfer this anger into aggression .

    the easiest target is the weaker s*x , esp if she is well off / well dressed , etc.

    of course solving this problem needs social reform.

    what we can do is IGNORE them without showing disdain .

    do you know what to do when you encounter a dog in the street ?

    you ignore it , without looking at it , as if it isnt there .

    this should be your NEUTRAL RESPONSE .

    May God keep you safe and sound .

  8. I think there are a couple of reasons. I posted a blog article discussing this article that you might find interesting:

    Basically, I think a culture of apathy is the root cause, and is one of the biggest problems facing Egypt today. As long as people have no future, why worry about what they do now? There is no hope of a better tomorrow in Egypt anymore. It saddens me to say it, but I think it's true.

  9. i m frustrated of this new trend in media regarding this particular topic

    if you asked any girl about harrasment she would probably say yes she faces it alot.. not because it really happens but to tell she is attractive in an indirect way.. and at the same time impose the image of being a girl of manners as she is annoyed from these behaviors!!!

    if a girl didnt say this: it will be intrepreted by her peers that she is not attractive enough!!!!

    i mean the whole article is based on impressions not mere resaerch based article..

    anyhow, i have to say that people who are doing this are not doing it because of lack of manners. or because the girl is so "attractive".. it is an expresion of economic and social frustration of its actors. who didnt go through a credibal education system or obtained a good degree that could grantee him a job so he would be able to get better in his level of income or his way of life

    it doesnt matter to him if the girl is pretty or not.. he just do it to any girls.. and it doesnt mean that he want to talk with her.. just to diturb her.. and the more she is annoyed the more he is self-satisfied.

  10. i think men should respect women with Hijab or without

    and yes in egypt men r a little silly but they r like that all around the every place there r men who harasses women

  11. This happens all over the world, not just Egypt. Sometimes it doesn't get reported. Men need to quit being jerks so a woman can be in peace without having to worry about these types of fools.  

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