
Sexual harrassment....?

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men have any of you experienced this and what did you do about it?How did you handle it?




  1. I'm not a man, but my two roommates are.  They are also openly g*y men.  I used to work with them both in a restaurant.  

    One of them had the biggest crush on a married, straight, male co-worker and made him very aware of it.  He never crossed too far over the line and it always came across as a joke, but I think it still counts.

  2. One job i sat in a corner surrounded by four ladies - same age. Every day i would hear comments about my body, stuff like "look at that ***",  request, whistles, and jokes I never said anything back to them, just ignored it for the most part.

    Eventually, i moved to the other side of the building. Then shortly i got a better job. *shrug*

    At one of my old dance classes some of the older women would slap me on my butt, typically as i moved on to the next partner... or request i show them my abs. *shrug*  (i don't go anymore)

    edit: oh yea, currently i sit next to a openly g*y supervisor who is in my cube EVERY day, talking things i don't want to hear.  Slowly he is starting to direct his comments more at me. At first it was "whatever", just ignore him, now its getting on my nerves.

  3. yes in 73 I was harassed by my boss' boss away from the office though so his superior could do nothing he said cuz it didnt happen at the plant....i gave him dirty looks and he felt guilty and bugged off.. I was so young....i could do better now with what to say when he was hitting on me..

  4. Yes, I have.  

    In the case where it was my former boss, I called the human resources in an anonymous tip saying he was sexually harrassing the females and g**s in the office (I was a bit embarrassed, didn't know what else to do).  The human resources looked into it and found the claims to be correct.  He got fired and, unfortunately, so did I and three women who were apparently the biggest suspects in his humbled view.

    For the most part, though, I just avoid them.  No point in causing too much trouble, is there?

  5. I just laugh it off, I had a group of girls shouting stuff at me once and one of them said "my mate fancies you" I just replied with "I'm not surprised". They then turned into a bunch of screaming maniacs, I think "thanks" would have been a better reply.

  6. In general, most people (male or female) who have been sexually harassed, raped, or otherwise sexually abused aren't comfortable to talk about it on an open forum.

    If you ask about it in this sort of setting, the only people likely to respond are people who are making things up in order to make a point, or people who are proud of what happened to them (indicating that it was desired, at least somewhat mutual, and not abuse at all), both of which cheapen and trivialize the actual incidents that take place.

    In general, unless you're working with a remedial facility like planned parenthood or a law enforcement agency, it's in extremely bad taste to attempt to gather information out of pure curiosity on this topic.

  7. Harrassment yes, but it's not limited to harrassment.

    For harrassment I generally just try to laugh it off and downplay it. I will try to recede into the background to not attract attention. If it persists I may become unfriendly to the person and say things that are insulting and/or offensive.

    Or, I could just go along with it and enjoy the attention. But that is when I was younger.

    OH! I was just reminded of an incident. While jogging along the beach one day a couple of tipsy girls were walking by. As I jogged by one of them said "Nice *ss!" to me. Remembering my feminist doctrination I decided the best way to respond is to ignore them. I didn't say anything or even turn my head towards them. 5 seconds later she yelled "I wouldn't have s*x with you for $15 million!!!". I almost cracked up.

  8. Yes I have.....

    I've had women say things that would have gotten me fired in a minute.......But it's water off this duck's back.

    Sexual harrassment has stripped any emotions and respect I have away.

    I used to hold doors for women......Compliment them.

    I was just an all around nice guy.

    Not anymore........It's forced me to be someone I don't like to be for the concern that any ounce of politeness is taken as sexual harrassment.

    Hey ladies.......Don't flatter yourself.   Don't misconstrue everything that you see as harrassment.

    My biggest laugh I got was when this bull-d**e I worked with kept hitting on all the women in the office.

    You should have seen the reaction she got.  

    It actually made her cry.........Like a baby.

    Thanks for setting the standard.

    ADDITION:  Hey Fireball.....If you were harrassed in 1973 would the same person harrass you now?

    I highly doubt it.......Primetime is way over.

    ADDITION #2:  Hey Oh My........Your Raza is really good at sexual harrassment.......Only difference is that when you turn him down he kills you......How do YOU handle Mr. Machismo?

    Oh Please tell me......Wonder Mujer.

    Domestic Violins es una grande tradicion en el barrio.

    (Honey.....Darme un otro Buh-Wiser y quiero ahorra!)

    Punch, smack......wahhhhhhhhhh!

    I'm sorry.....I Loffffff U!


    Senor Borracho

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