
Sexuality discrimination?

by  |  earlier

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Why is it:

That a woman who identifies herself as bisexual is automatically regarded as 'easy' by most men?

A woman who openly likes s*x but is not promiscuous is labelled as 'easy' and men try to use her?

A non-virgin is considered 'used goods' 'not innocent any more' and a virgin is considered 'angelic' 'girlfriend material' and 'better and holier than a non-virgin'?

When a woman sleeps with a man, men look down on her even though she isn't promiscuous?




  1. god the guy's you know must be real bas**rds, don't tar us all with the same brush. there are a few decent ones around.

  2. It was ever thus!

  3. Bisexuality is, by nature, a promiscuous lifestyle regardless of whether the bi is male or female. Maybe that's why she's being viewed as promiscuous.

    Not all men will consider a woman who likes s*x to be easy and try to use her. My question is, if she isn't easy, then why is she telling these men how much she likes s*x? Isn't that somewhat "easy" behaviour?

    This one is a double standard. Alot of guys don't consider themselves used goods when they've been with a few women, but they don't want a woman who has been with a bunch of guys. Double standard, annoying, but what can you do about it? Not all guys are hypocrites like that. There are plenty who don't really mind.

    Men look down on a woman who is willing to have a casual fling with them. They have no respect for a woman who will engage in one night stands, but I'm not at all surprised. She has no respect for herself. He has no respect for himself, either. Where there is no self-respect there will not be respect for the other person.

    Bottom line - if you want to be respected and attract respectable men, you have to be respectable yourself. If you want to e treated like a decent woman and attrract the notice of decent men, then behave like a decent woman. Conversely, if you are going to behave in a sexually loose way, even a little, then expect to be treated like you are loose. Actions speak very loudly sometimes.

  4. You can thank the church for that.  Although, a lot of men don't care if a girl is a virgin or not.  And i don't like it when a guy is promiscuous.. so it can go both ways.

  5. That's the way of this world Jenny

    Get used to it and move on!

  6. Because that's how life is. Some guys prefer experienced women and some prefer virgins. Who cares. I'm sure you "discriminate" with your choice of guys as well.

    I.e. You might not date a guy that sleeps with 3 girls a day...

    You might not date a guy that's waiting for marriage...

  7. How is any of that discrimination? More like stereotyping to be discrimination there would have to be some... discrimination... now if someone was denied a job because they weren't a virgin that would be discrimination.  

  8. It's the Madonna/w***e thing.  Men can't make up their minds what they want.  They spend their lives chasing s*x and then become confused when they get it.

    I'm always astounded by men who complain that they can't understand women.  Huh!  If they could only work out what they want in the bedroom department, all our lives would be a lot more straightforward.

  9. I know what you mean. These men are also usually the ones that don't like homosexual men, thinking all homosexual men are bottoms. It's because it is the greatest form of emasculation to these men. Because these men view women and g*y men as holes. My town/city/ w/e it is, is filled with them. You'll find narrowmindedness like this in more rural areas. But you must realise there ARE plenty of men out there that are decent.

  10. Because it usually has to do with the motives of most women, or at least the youth.

    (ie: bisexuality for attention and s*x, s*x for attention and acceptance, etc).

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