
Sexually active at 56?

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A friend of mine says to me that as he got older he and his wife have become more active.He is 56 ish and his lady about 54 ish

They both get wet and enjoy it more now than ever before.

How long can they go on.

Isay to him carry on m8 and enjoy




  1.     As many older couples know, sexual activity does not end at menopause or "manopause", it continues throughout our life. Kissing, touching, stroking, petting, whispering sweet nothings, the intimacy, the flirting and the fun are important and satisfying whether you're 21 or 71 – or older.

        Sexual activity changes. The urge to have wild, pounding intercourse fades. You settle into nice, comfortable manual stimulation and oral s*x or vibrator use. Males and females may not feel the driving need for o****m - if it happens, great. But if there is no o****m, the body contact, the warmth and intimacy all make for a great sexual relationship.

        According to a recent study, mature men between the ages of 57 and 64 want to reconnect with their partner. They want the companionship, the shared fun, the sense of closeness that they used to have before finances, children, pressures of work and unresolved conflict weighed down on the relationship. When Dad gets older, many of those pressures have lifted. The kids are grown, finances are stable, conflict is not an everyday event. Then they want to "nest" again.

        For many women, the early years of the relationship were spent making lives and friends of their own. With the kids needing her less, Mom wants to satisfy some of those needs she put on hold while tending to the needs of her family. She may want to resume her career. Couples at this stage are often on different paths and this can create problems.

        Long-term partnerships can also be severely affected by the accumulation of unresolved conflict – the anger, resentment and hostility that was just pushed aside, and never really dealt with. It's called the green "scarbage" bag in the middle of the kitchen floor, and it's a major obstacle to intimacy.

        If the contents of the "scarbage" bag aren't confronted, a pleasurable, satisfying relationship is almost impossible. Working to improve communication skills and conflict resolution can reduce the irritation and fault finding. You can fall "in like" again, opening the door to being "in love" again. Being good friends, doing things and having fun together will help bring you closer together.

        Every couple hopes for the kind of loving relationship where they "walk hand in hand into the sunset" as they get older. Add a little s*x along the way and it don't get better than that!

  2. Thanks for ruining my lunch.

  3. Until they die.

    My parents are both in their 50's and avid swingers.

  4. hey let them go on as long as they want (or can lol sorz) i say!

  5. They can go as long as they want.  With age comes experience and wisdom and the ability to be truly comfortable with each other.

  6. you can keep going as long as you are up for it i guess.  I hope to be going strong right up until i die.  

  7. I am 70 and still going strong. So is my girl friend at 70.

  8. You can go on as long as your body will let you.  s*x does get lots better with age and experience..............I wouldnt have believed that when I was younger but it does!

  9. I would say as long as you can ( my parents in their 80s say still enjoy

    the bed now and then. )  

  10. People can continue to be sexually active at any age what so ever. If the body is willing why not. There are many men who have become fathers again in their 80's whilst i don't agree with this at all there's no reason why s*x can't still be enjoyed.

  11. thats nice

    now whats your question?

  12. 4 evaaa xx
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