
Sexually assulted, school doesn't care?

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i have been sexually assulted at school, on the school bus, and everywhere you can imagine by a 15 year old *** hole

he's been doing this since he was in 3rd grade

he's now a freshman

the school knows he's put his hand up my skirt on MORE THAN ONE OCCASSION and doesn't give a ****

is it all right to be upset?

or is it over-exaggerating??




  1. Personally I would go and tell your parents. it really needs to be taken care of and that would be the best way to do it. Yes it is alright to be upset you have every right to, I know how you feel i was molested by my cousin. You need to seek help either from the police or your parents.

  2. let the cops do their job.  get some counseling and STD testing.  have your parents enroll you in a different school and learn not to be a victim in the future.

  3. I would contact the SCHOOL DISTRICT! If the school doesn't care then maybe someone else will. If the district doesn't do anything then go to the local news stations. Let your voice be heard. Get together and tell all the girls you know he has affected and see if you can get all there parents and yours to show up at the school all at once for a meeting to show that you are serious! All of you can show up at the district office. I would honestly pray about it and give it to God he knows why he's doing this. Good Luck and God Bless!

  4. take it up to the district.

    someone has to punish him.

    if the school won't listen, get in

    contact with the school district.

    Thats not right at all.

  5. You aren't over reacting go to the police and press sexual harassment/misconduct/assault charges .... and take your issue to the school board, depending on how big your town or city is I'd get the paper involved, this will create a huge scandal for the school and people are likely to fired (as they should be) and they boy will be shamed TERRIBLY (which he should) and the police will have no choice but to take it seriously because the press would be hounding them. Also get lawyer.

    This might seem harsh and like a bit much but your respect is worth it.

  6. I hope u tell ur parents...and then get a good lawyer that will MAKE the school care!!!!OH, yea..and call the police and press charges of assault!!! Good Luck and don't take it anymore!!!

  7. Have you talked to someone about it or gotten your parent's involved!

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