
Shabir Shaik confronts parole board over golf saga

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Shabir Shaik confronts parole board over golf saga
Shabir Shaik is all set to appear in front of the parole board to discuss allegations laid on him regarding assaulting a reporter for watching him play golf.
Sonwabo Mbananga, the spokesperson for the prison in which he has been detained told the press, “It is part of normal policy to go and report to the parole board what happened, following us receiving a complaint that he allegedly assaulted someone”.
Mbananga further elaborated the procedure of the meeting with the parole board. He said the meeting would be a brief session, in which the parole board will question Shaik, over the incident.  
However, he denied commenting on the possible decision taken up by the court.  He said, “We will wait for the conclusion itself”.
According to the rules laid down by the court, Shaik was not allowed time more than six hours for recreational activities on the weekend.
Shaik has been accused for hitting Amanda Khoza, who is a reporter. Khoza and her cameraperson were covering Shaik, when they found out that he was out on the Papwa Sewgowlum golf course for recreation.
They followed the former financial adviser, who denied disclosing his identity upon questioning. But on repetition of the question, Shaik hit the reporter and abused her verbally.
The entire incident was witnessed by Charmel Bowman, who was accompanying Khoza during the venture and according to him, he and Khoza, were sent by the Channel to investigate the person.
Meanwhile, Shaik denied the allegation laid on him and said that the reporter did not produce an identity card before confronting him and used harsh language. He added that she followed him throughout the course and made him threatened his life.
Shaik served as financial advisor to President Jacob Zuma, and faced corruption charges. He was sentenced to prison for 15 years in 2009, but was released on medical parole for severe illness.
The former financial advisor has been called by the parole board in a private meeting, which has been scheduled a week from now to discuss the matter. The meeting will decide whether Shaik continues living outside the cell walls or faces assault charges.



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