
Shadows and Orbs in and outside my house.?

by  |  earlier

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I've been seeing these things since I moved in , About 1 1/2 years ago, the house is only 10 yrs old and my "gifts" tell me it's the land (Indian Burial Ground). NOW what should I do? They really don't bother us, just startle me once a day or so, and hide our stuff!? No ******* need to even try to answer this one. I don't care what talking horses arses have to say about this.




  1. Id love to see the pics of the shadows and orbs! If they don't bother you well thats fine, but I think it is concerning that they are around. You should find out more about that place and its history. Also beaware all the time because sometimes you never know the intentions of these things. Try to find some protection against unwanted guests  for yourself, family and home.

  2. Could you post these pictures please.Let us give you an opinion on them?

    If they don't bother you, then don't worry.They can't hurt you.It takes  a lot of energy for them to gather enough force to make contact depending on how powerful they are, so i don't think it is them that is hiding your stuff.

  3. tell them it is your home. tell them they are dead and need to leave. do it often, every time you sense something is wierd. dont be scared. just tell them they dont live there anymore. they need to know that they are dead. good luck! i know it sounds crazy but it is worth a try right?


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